New Vinyl Crackle / Lofi patch


Power User
I posted this in a thread where someone was looking to recreate the Izotope Vinyl plugin. It was suggested that it should make an appearance here in "Recordings." The patch uses synths for the vinyl noise/hiss/hum and a modulated delay for the warped record effect. Guitar and Axe-Fx recorded direct into Soundforge. The patch, which I'll post to Axe-Change, offers independent parametric control over wear, dust hiss and hum, bandwidth ("Record Player Year"), plus wobble and warp (with delay mod1 rate determining 78, 45, or 33 RPM). I might try to add a "Deep Scratch" too :)

Thanks for all the kind words, folks.

I haven't dumped to Axe-Edit/uploaded to Axe-Change, but I'll share that info as soon as I do.
It's a factory preset on the II.
You can recreate it. Download the II's factory presets form Fractal Support, load them into Axe-Edt ((config II), and copy the settings to an Ultra (Synth is required) preset.
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