New to the Axe FX, looking for help regarding power amp


New Member
Hey everyone! I'm Austin and I must say the Axe Fx is truely amazing! It is like nothing I have ever seen or heard. I am going to buy one for sure but I am a little uncertain about what I should go with power amp wise, as I plan on running the Axe Fx through my 4x12 cab loaded with greenbacks. I am wondering if I could get away with using an ART SLA-1 power amp for this instead of say a VHT 2-50-2 which i was previously thinking of going with. I am wondering if the solid state SLA-1 would be a better choice as it would not color the sound of the Axe Fx the way the VHT would... Any thoughts would be SO helpful! Could I get away with this and still have it sound good? Thanks guys! Looking forward to joing the party and exploring Cliff's magic box! :)

Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please!

There have been several comparisons of the 2-50-2 with the SLA-2. A search on this forum should turn up something. The 2 is a bit stronger than the 1, which seems preferable headroom-wise. General consensus appears to be that the difference is very small, soundwise the Fryette just edges out the SLA, but only slightly. There's also that the power amp simulations in the Axe-FX work better with the more neutral solid state amps, with tube amps you're more or less bound to the character that amp induces. Although some have reported good results with tube amps as well and the 2-50-2 is pretty neutral. Factoring in the cost, weight, size and convenience... It's all up to you.

Cliff Chase, creator of the Axe-FX, has put his 2-50-2 in retirement in favor of a solid state amp. In his case a Carvin, I forgot which type.

BTW, a bit more specific question in your topic-title might get results faster and better.
Just calling out "help" or "question!" will not induce everyone to go look. There's so much going on here already it's a lot of work to check every topic.
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please!

I can speak from experience with both the VHT 2/50/2 and the Art SLA-1 into a Quadbox loaded with GB`s.

The VHT is an amazing poweramp, i`ve done a lot of A-B testing with the VHT and the ART SLA-1, running the SLA-1 in Bridged Mono mode at 280watts (i think it`s 280watts?)

To my ears and with my gear i had to shut the poweramp sims off on the AxeFx with the VHT to get the best results, and run the AxeFx with the poweramp sims on with the Art SLA-1.
With some small tweaking to either setup i could get the ART to sound allmost identical to the VHT and in some cases better, it was a pretty easy decision to offload the VHT. As good as it is, it`s very heavy and could be offloaded for a considerable sum down here in Australia.

I`ve been tweaking now with the SLA-1 for a couple of months and couldnt be happier, i havent regretted for one minute offloading the VHT. IMO it`s got plenty of power and volume on tap running mono in Bridged mode, If your going to be running stereo and at very loud volumes then perhaps the SLA-2 may be worth going with.

Hope this helps mate.
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please!

I run an SLA-2 in stereo with 2 2x12s. I think it's a great setup. It lets me exploit the stereo abilities of the axe at 200 watts per side, plus I could run it bridged mono for 500+ watts if ever I need that much. Like Brad says, I reckon the SLA-1 will be plenty to drive a quadbox, but if you went with the SLA-2, you could leave your options open for a stereo gigging rig down the track.
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please!

stevorc321 said:
It lets me exploit the stereo abilities of the axe at 200 watts per side

:shock: CAN YOU STILL HEAR ME? :shock:
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please! said:
stevorc321 said:
It lets me exploit the stereo abilities of the axe at 200 watts per side

:shock: CAN YOU STILL HEAR ME? :shock:
No...deaf as a post! (I can still read though)! I don't play insanely loud though - I've never run both volumes over about 2 o'clock (with the Axe-FX output at 1-2 o'clock). At those settings, t's plenty loud enough to keep up with a heavy-handed drummer. My patches are quite loud compared to the presets though.
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please!

Welcome to the board Austin. As always this question is subjective and you need to look at what you want to accomplish. I personally run an SLA-2 and a pair of 412's mainly because I want to :mrgreen: . Eventually I will run FRFR but untill then this is my rig.

When I was doing amp comparisons with Carvin, VHT, Peavy, Art, ADA and QSC I found they all had their qualitys some good, some bad. Right off the bat I knew that Tube power amps were going to be exspensive, heavy and come with maintenance issues but at the time I was still not convinced and that I needed a tube power section to help glass things over. After working with those for a wile I figured I would give the SS amps a try.

At this piont I wanted to make thigs a little more compact. That's when I started looking at single space amp's that could deliver the best performance for the money and that narrowed the field real fast to Carvin, ART and ADA. The ADA was just not up to the task power or tone wise but it was inexspensive $150 eBay. The Carvin (DCM150) sounded really good but left me needing more head room so I was left with the ART LSA-2 and I have never looked back. I am totally happy with this power amp.

For well over a year and several gigs under it's belt and countless power cycles at home for noodling around it has yet to let me down. One other thing that is a bonus for SS amps is when you get the itch to play you just turn it on and go, no waiting for tubes to warm up and that's a + for an impatient SOB like my self. I have said it befor in other threads here I believe it to be the best Single space power amp for the money to run with the Axe.
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please! said:
stevorc321 said:
It lets me exploit the stereo abilities of the axe at 200 watts per side

:shock: CAN YOU STILL HEAR ME? :shock:
Talk to me when you run it in stereo at 500 watts per channel (GX5)!!!! :D
Re: New to the Axe FX, looking for help please!

Wow, the community here is so awesome! Honestly I was not expecting this many great responses! Thank you guys so much for everything!

I think I'm gonna end up going with an ART solid state power amp :). It's cheaper then a VHT and it seems like I would be able to have mote versitility with the Axe FX Ultra if I'm able to use the Axe's power amp sims instead of having a power amp that colors the sound in it's own way. I will be placing my orders today for an Ultra and an ART! I've never been more stoked to own a peice of gear, and trust me I've gone through a lot of gear haha!

Next on my list is a Vox Virage DC in cherry :) cause you gotta have a new guitar to go with your new amp dontcha know? :p

anyways thanks so much guys! I am SO looking forward to joing the ranks and showing people the Axe at my shows. Can't wait to see the reactions on their faces when they ask what amp I'm using to get all those tones, and I just show em the lil black box in my rack haha :). SO stoked!

Thanks again!
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