New Liquid Foot Editor and Firmware 4.0 from FAMC Released


Fractal Fanatic
[h=3]V4.00 LF+ Editor[/h]by FAMC » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:44 pm
Just a small list of enhancements in V4.00:

1. Compatible with new V4.00 firmware. New Programming commands, etc...
2. New Design for ease of use and quicker access to items
Mouse Scroll now works on most list boxes, programming areas, Item Selection (preset, song, setlist...)
3. You can now enter an actual # into the Item selection (type 12 in the box to go directly to preset 12 for instance)
4. New Connection and error detection system
5. Pressing Delete on a command will erase it and make the slot EMPTY
6. New quick search side-bar list. Click the small switch on top left (default OFF) and it will open the search/sort system.
7. Search / Sort: Double click the item type (preset, song, etc) to open in editor view
8. Search / Sort: Single Click to pull up the items in the list without changing the editor mode
9. Search / Sort: Enter search criteria in the search box to find first accordance, click the magnifier to keep searching
10. Search / Sort: Ctrl-Click items to select them. Move with mouse to re-order presets, songs, set-lists, etc...
11. Search / Sort: Right-Click the list of items and you can insert, and do other things.
12. Search / Sort: The entire system is drag/drop. Open the Set-List screen in editor. Select the songs list in the search screen and drag and drop one or many from the list onto the set-list screen. Same for Songs, IA-Maps, etc...
13.Search / Sort: There is a white bar on the left side of editor, you can drag that to expose the search/sort system to the distance you would like
14. Preferences: File/Preferences. The editor will save your settings from one session to the next.
15. Page Buttons: enter the page button to go directly to it. or scroll up/down, or select from the bubbles on lower part of screen.
16. Page view: 12/JR/Mini now have a "Start Value" scroll wheel to allow you to see your layout with different start values.
17. PAGE: When selecting Functions/presets/IA-Slots, Mouse Scroll now works
18. Mouse scroll works for scrolling through presets, list items, buttons, etc...
19. 74 other interface refinements
20. A lot of ease of use built in. Some will be Easter eggs until we get it to video. Yes- finally coming soon now that new platform is complete.
3.38 hosed my system. It just completely and repeatedly locked up when trying to transfer from LF to editor. I had to go back to 3.31 just to recover. I spent 30 minutes with it one night a few weeks ago, but needed to get back to a functional state so after getting things working again with 3.31 I just left it all alone.

UI on the new editor is pretty sweet. May give this a try again this weekend.
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If you downloaded 4.0 before 4:30pm, I recommend you download it again. They posted 4.0 (b) under the same link. Fixed several bugs. There are a couple more I reported tonight. But it's a lot better than 3.38 or 3.39
I found 2 nasty bugs last night and reported them. FAMC replied that they were releasing a fix today.

In your case Henry, please do this: open up the zip download and re-install the drivers that are in a little folder inside the zip.

I have a Mac also and I had to do this back in January.

Let me know if it makes 4.0 stable on your computer. But don't do a lot of programming until the new bug fix comes out later today.

EDIT: Don't do this

EDIT: Pssst....Don't tell anyone, but I did this last night, just because I can, and everything worked splendidly for me.
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Hey Rodzim,

I also still have an issue with external sync using the 4.0 link from yesterday so I'll try again today. I opened a ticket with them and they either didnt read my email or gave a standard first response copy/paste. They did mention using the Auto-Load, I brought up that screen...but any text not in a 'designed bubble' is highlighted white and sure if thats an editor issue or something on my end.....but I didnt have the issue with pre 3.39 editors.

On a side note, is AutoLoad the same as external sync?
I believe you have to have external sync active, yes.

But I do not use that feature, so I'm not in the position to offer qualified assistance to you.
but any text not in a 'designed bubble' is highlighted white and sure if thats an editor issue or something on my end.....

Jeff is not a graphics guy, but the new look is still amazing, and the quick view split screen improves functionality and speeds up my programming considerably.

If you resize your window or click on a tab and it looks goofy, switch to a different tab, and then switch back to where you were so it has a chance to refresh the view.

Like if your preset view looks weird, click on the IA tab or Songs, and then back to Presets.

Same thing with the quick view. I have made changes to the names of presets in the big window, and had to refresh the quick view by clicking out of presets and into other categories and then back into Presets, several times in fact, to get the quick view preset titles to mimic the changes I've made to the preset names in the big screen.
i agree, the new GUI is awesome, I havent had the chance to use much because my programming is sufficient to what I need, other than a few sync issues......the text thing I was referring to was in the Auto Load screen. The rest of the editor seemed fine, I closed, and reopened, shifted the screen and the text was still white on white.
i agree, the new GUI is awesome, I havent had the chance to use much because my programming is sufficient to what I need, other than a few sync issues......the text thing I was referring to was in the Auto Load screen. The rest of the editor seemed fine, I closed, and reopened, shifted the screen and the text was still white on white.

There's not much you need to touch on the first screen of the Auto Wizard.

You can choose the device you are Auto-Wizarding - Axe XL, Axe II, Kemper, etc.

Then select the midi channel that you have it tuned to.

That's it.

Make those choices, and the starting and ending preset numbers.

Then click the "NEXT" button at the bottom right corner.

Make sure you religiously adhere to the warnings on the next screen.

Then initiate the wizard.
Good morning class.

Word to the wise. DOWNLOAD THE 4.0 editor AGAIN today. If you've downloaded the one from yesterday when I recommended you to download it again, throw that one in the trash.

Yeah, yeah, I know it still says "file 4.0" on the hyperlink. But trust me and re-download it again today, and install it again. A new file (both PC and MAC) was put there this morning before 7am eastern.

It is really 4.000000000000-1/2 LOL and has several bug fixes, and stabilizing fixes.

Spread the word to your loved ones.

Is bluetooth programming an option for the near future-with the LF+'s? Thought I saw a Bluetooth icon on one of the firmwares. That would be a great feature of course.
I don't know what deal is. 4.02 and it still won't recognize my LF+12+. Thank goodness it's not an emergency. If I load editor 3.36 it's fine but anything more recent it doesn't work.

I do have other FAMC editors in folders on my Mac. Maybe those are messing with things.
Need Help

quick question...I've updated my mini and editor..everything works great. i've setup a preset with scenes and a few IA's. For some reason my IA switches aren't turning off when they're supposed to within a scene. It looks like the control is being sent to the Axe properly..but the colors are still showing that the button is active. So when I look 'looks' like the button is still active when it actually turned off as it should. Any ideas?
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