New Fractal 4x12 IRs are rad. How is the real cab?


Power User
Has anyone played a real Friedman 4x12? I'm curious how people like them in real life. I'm considering buying one now since I don't use IRs live :)
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Pretty much as a rule ..., I don't care for V30's, but I was very plesantly surprised w/ those new IRs !

Had to rework my main patches for a stereo cab so I can use them both !
I like the idea of greenbacks, but when I hear cab demos vs v30s I feel like the greenbacks sound toy-ish? I can't really explain it. They have this all mids AM radio vibe. Maybe mixed with v30s it's a different story
In the new firmware I forget their name but it's not Freidman. There are 2 IRs from the mixed speaker cab, one is the greenback speaker the other is the v30. If you want the full experience use both at the same time :)
Oh. well. I guess I missed that. I also probably missed the million questions of "Does this mean there's going to be a fractal guitar cab for sale soon?". So.... uhhhh... Is there? (ducks for cover)
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