New demo Jcm 800

WOW. Awesome again!

Love your playing. Also some really inventive timing in there.
Great, but the drums sounds a little loud in the mix. At least the snare. Or is it only my speakers?? Anyway. Sounds really good.
Hi vedvai, I just wondered if you had to tweak your patches from direct recording to playing live with your beyma speakers?

I am considering purchasing a couple and an old 2x12 but would like to be able the same patches to work on both.



Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Hi vedvai, I just wondered if you had to tweak your patches from direct recording to playing live with your beyma speakers?

I am considering purchasing a couple and an old 2x12 but would like to be able the same patches to work on both.



Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Took both teams as to generate different tones.

But it is nice to see some live presets (beyma) are also exceptional in Home Studio
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