New Axe FX III owner

I think you're really asking about is Preset Leveling, and the editor has a handy "pop-out" tool for that with a nice VU meter display. Strive to target the 0dB indicator on that meter to keep your levels consistent. You'll need to also use your ears to fine tune.
+1 on both the “preset leveling” meter in Axe Edit and using your ears for final fine-tuning.

There is also a global setting for the output level between -10 or +4. I believe the default is -10.
The preset leveling meters was exactly what I was looking for. After getting those levels and the input 1 gain & level squared away I’m a happy camper. It’s been a great experience so far, and I’m just scratching the surface I’m sure.

I couldn’t sneak the rig in, we all showed up on time LOL.

I just had to tweak our mixer’s EQ a bit and it sounded real good in the mix. Next practice I’ll bring the laptop so I can fine tune things easier. I don’t like to be ‘that guy’ everyone is waiting on to start the next song….

I can’t believe I went from all that amp gear to this:


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