New Axe Edit for FW 15.06?

Is anyone else having issues with Axe Edit working with this FW? I am a new owner and was wondering if it's fairly standard to have to wait for an Axe Edit update for support when a new FW is released for the unit? Thanks for any help!
Hi Jon,

I've had no trouble with the older version, but it happens that an update is on the way.
The beta team will be testing for a few days and we should probably have a release early next week.
I am a new owner and was wondering if it's fairly standard to have to wait for an Axe Edit update for support when a new FW is released for the unit?

Sometimes AE and a new FW are released back to back. Sometimes AE may be up to a week behind. Not a large gap usually.
The controller assignments for the threshold and ratio for the Input gate are not currently not available in Axe Edit.
any timeframe on when a new AxeEdit that supports FW15.06 will be ready? (not a complaint, just trying to plan)
They said it was out to beta and should be out this week. Top of the page 2nd post.

Right, read that. But since Thursday would be considered past "early next week" I'm guessing they might have hit a snag with the beta testing and simply just hoping for an update. But thanks anyway.
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