New amps in next firmware...

Yes but his roadie is fed up with bringing all of these sh.ts on stage every night.

You're not too far off from the reason. Yes, Joe has a lot of gear to haul around, but the real reason his tech is tired, is that he is the guy that makes all those crop circles - worldwide. And that is a daunting task for the young man.
there ya go, proof in the pudding. Bonamassa's rig doesn't sound like Bonamassa when someone else is playing it. Would love to play thru it though

i don't know, i still heard a lot of the vibe of his tone there. his articulations are what makes him sound like him....but it sounded like his tone to me.
If the ADA MP-1 + Strategy 400 were modelised in the Axe, a lot of Metallica fans would buy an Axe just for that !
I like the B-52 amp.

What did you like about it?

Funny I never see anyone else mention this but I like the Hughes & Kettner amps.

Something I've wondered as well.

What was that Randall amp where you added and switched modules? When those modules were modded that amp sounded pretty cool.

I forget, but Pete Thorn has a preamp version.

I would like to see Kimberly Guilefoyle nekid!

If you can't do what you need to do wi' 'er clothes on, you're probably not going to be able to do it with 'em off.......
How about a 1980 Gorilla amp, complete POS, but it would be nostalgic.
Ahhh….the anti-sequel to "cabs in the attic" -- the "crap in the attic" cab pack. No knob turning required…even the default settings deliver shit-tone in mere seconds.
I like the B-52 amp. Funny I never see anyone else mention this but I like the Hughes & Kettner amps. What was that Randall amp where you added and switched modules? When those modules were modded that amp sounded pretty cool. Mark V Twenty Five? Baron? Diamond?

+1, +2, and +3.
there ya go, proof in the pudding. Bonamassa's rig doesn't sound like Bonamassa when someone else is playing it. Would love to play thru it though

Well, you better save your pennies. He's selling it. Could be yours for a mere $200K or so. Just for the Dumbles, anyway.
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