neewbie Qs about the axe' plugin information


Allright, so I'm awaiting the axe, and wonder how this midi stuff work.
I've never used midi connections before, but I try to read what I can..

I am used to record with a dry signal, and master the effects and shit when I'm happy with the channels..
Can I do that with the axe...? Can I retrieve plugins from it to the DAW f.ex.?
There's no "plugins" in the axe, however you could re-route your signal thru it.
I know there has to be people that do it. Someone who has tried it or does do it would have to chime in on how.
Probably search (google for threads from all around the web) and check the wiki's and stuff.

the Axe can be set up for a monitor 'wet' signal, record 'dry' signal quite easily.

one of the cool things about it's modular architecture is, that you can choose at exactly what point you want to 'tap' the signal for recording.

for exsample:
completely DI,
just amp,
just and and cab
Yes, that is cool, but then what..

When the dry signal has been recorded, and all other instruments and vocals are in place, we have to add effects and such to the recorded signals and channels..
Of course I want to use the effects on the axe, and place it upon the allready recoredd dry signal in my DAW..
Is this possible at all..?
reamping - yes
using the Axe as a outboard fx box - of course.

I like processing previously recorded acoustic guitars and vocals with the Axe. Even though I have a rather large and expensive collection of plugins, the Axe just sounds so much better.
But no plugins, right??

Reamping figuring out two signals is cool, but not what I'm used to..

I use cubase 5 right, so I'm used to attack the menues for adding effects alot.
But with no plugins from the axe that wont work..

Norstorm said:
But no plugins, right??

Reamping figuring out two signals is cool, but not what I'm used to..

I use cubase 5 right, so I'm used to attack the menues for adding effects alot.
But with no plugins from the axe that wont work..


I've being a plugin user ever since the DX plugins became available on a PC (it's been a while) and I have quite a good collection of higher quality fx, like UAD and Waves.

The Axe completely destroys these. no contest.

With the exeption of a good convolution reverb...
but that's about it.
Yeah, but you stille have the same old problem, right?
I mean there's a reason why we use plugins..

If you record left and right with your complete wet setup.. And I'm talking amps, effects, the whole nine..
You will have serious problems if you 5 weeks later after recording 5 more instruments just figured out you needed to edit something in the guitar channels, yeah ;)
Norstorm said:
Yeah, but you stille have the same old problem, right?
I mean there's a reason why we use plugins..

If you record left and right with your complete wet setup.. And I'm talking amps, effects, the whole nine..
You will have serious problems if you 5 weeks later after recording 5 more instruments just figured out you needed to edit something in the guitar channels, yeah ;)

I do a lot of recording and postproduction and I don't really understand your concern.
Maybe you should dl the manual and take a look at the routing possibilities. I haven't tried it myself, but I believe it is possible to record a amp & cab signal (mono), a 100% wet signal (stereo) AND a DI signal should you feel the need to completely reamp the track IF you set up the Axe properly.

"The digital recording revolution is a great triumph for audio. It brings such great flexability and versatility to the craft. It also brings with it the element of mediocrity in the creativity part of the art. No one has to make any decisions now, and consequentially, nobody knows or thinks about what they really want. It's digital. You can always change it later."
Jimmy Douglass

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