Need Help With My Axe FX std


New Member
I just got my Axe fx standard today, about 5 hours ago. When I set it up to go through my krk rokit speakers, every preset patch I try sounds weak, especially the distortion. Weak as in the signal sounds like it was chopped in half, with a shitload of hiss. I have been messing around with as many amp and cab combos as I can, with the same results. When I touch the input 1 knob, it will pop. The same happens when I set it up with my head and cab; weak tone on everything. I got this on ebay. Is there something wrong with the unit itself? Did I get fucked by some asshole on ebay? Or, am I just completely retarded? Thanks.
I'm not sure what you mean by the signal sounding like it was chopped in half, so I can't help there.

As for the hiss, do you still have it when there's nothing plugged into the Standard's input?

You shouldn't hear a pop when you touch the input knob. Is it loose?
Sounds like input gain is not set correctly, amplifying excess noise. Input gain should be set to "tickle" the red led when you play hard.
Sounds like input gain is not set correctly, amplifying excess noise. Input gain should be set to "tickle" the red led when you play hard.
The thing is, there is no gain. If I choose the powerball and crank the drive, there is still no gain, but the volume is increased, along with hiss. All I get out of any setting on any amp is a "clean" sound. The closest I can come is to get a really muddy, slightly distorted sound.
I'm not sure what you mean by the signal sounding like it was chopped in half, so I can't help there.

As for the hiss, do you still have it when there's nothing plugged into the Standard's input?

You shouldn't hear a pop when you touch the input knob. Is it loose?
The hiss is there whether there is something plugged in or not. It only goes away when i press the bypass button. The knob isnt loose, but if I litterally push it, it will pop, lots of distortion and hissing, then stop. It turns perfectly fine just like the other knobs.
morganmcgaha said:
The thing is, there is no gain. If I choose the powerball and crank the drive, there is still no gain, but the volume is increased, along with hiss. All I get out of any setting on any amp is a "clean" sound. The closest I can come is to get a really muddy, slightly distorted sound.

Check to make sure that Bypass is not engaged?
Something is cutting your input level way down. Here's what it might be:

Guitar — Try a different guitar and see if you still have the same problem (and make sure the guitar's volume knob is turned up :) ).
Cable — Try a different cable.

(While you're at it, look to see what the input LEDs are reading when you strum.)

Axe-FX — This is a prime suspect at the moment. Your input knob should be silent when you push it. It may just be loose. That could be the whole problem. If you're comfortable opening the case, try tightening the pot. Beyond that, it's time to contact Fractal support.
Something is cutting your input level way down. Here's what it might be:

Guitar — Try a different guitar and see if you still have the same problem (and make sure the guitar's volume knob is turned up :) ).
Cable — Try a different cable.

(While you're at it, look to see what the input LEDs are reading when you strum.)

Axe-FX — This is a prime suspect at the moment. Your input knob should be silent when you push it. It may just be loose. That could be the whole problem. If you're comfortable opening the case, try tightening the pot. Beyond that, it's time to contact Fractal support.
I have tried different guitars and cables. I will try opening up the axe fx and tightening the pot to see if it works. Hope it works.
The thing is, there is no gain. If I choose the powerball and crank the drive, there is still no gain, but the volume is increased, along with hiss. All I get out of any setting on any amp is a "clean" sound. The closest I can come is to get a really muddy, slightly distorted sound.

I am not talking about the amp gain. I am referring to input gain, as in the knob on the front, where is it set at, and where are the led's when you strum hard?

Also, check if the inputs are summed or out of phase. You want them in the same phase, and you want input "L" only, or whichever input you are using.
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Good luck! Let us know what you find.

Also, what kind of indication are you getting on the Axe's input meter (both the LEDs in front and the Status page of the Utility menu)?
The only led that moves is the one above the input 1, just one green light will light up on the L side. The first green LED on the R side above the input 1 will sometimes light up. It wont light up if I play any string lower than my E (using an 8 string). I have all the knobs at 12 o' clock. So far, the only fx that will come through in any way is wah, phaser, and a little bit of delay.
Sounds like an input issue. when you press bypass (not Eff Bypass - thats different), the output should be a clean guitar sound. When you de select the Bypass, you should get the amp'd tones. Theres obviously something happening - and the LEDs above the input are WAY too low. I susspect thats the issue. your not getting a signal into the AFX - so its amplifying a low signal giving lots of hiis and clean tones.

if you press bypass and play the guitar you should hear a clean guitar. Do you get that or not? where have you got the input knob set? If your getting hiss's and pops when you press the input knob thats the issue - and its a hardware issue by the sound of it :(
The only led that moves is the one above the input 1, just one green light will light up on the L side. The first green LED on the R side above the input 1 will sometimes light up. It wont light up if I play any string lower than my E (using an 8 string). I have all the knobs at 12 o' clock. So far, the only fx that will come through in any way is wah, phaser, and a little bit of delay.

Turn input 2 all the way down. They both light up with one LED when you mess with the knobs, right?

the led's are supposed to light up to the yellow for the most part, and only blink red very briefly when you play hard.

does turning it up help? Your guitar volume is all the way up (silly to ask, I know, but it's happened to me before...)

I'm guessing a bad/dirty/disconnected input pot.
The only led that moves is the one above the input 1, just one green light will light up on the L side. The first green LED on the R side above the input 1 will sometimes light up.
That's definitely too low.

I have all the knobs at 12 o' clock.
That's fairly low. On my Ultra, I needed to set the knob at 2:00 or more. Does it help when you turn it up?
You might have a dirty/scratchy input pot. Try turning it back and forth a few times to see if you can't get some more of the LED's to light up. If you do this and you still only see 1 LED light even when you're strumming really hard you probably need to replace that input pot.
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