Need help with a 90's cover band name???

“The 1998.” Very simple! We had a 90’s band called “1998”, but over some time, the guys in the band wanted to change names, so I came up with “Live Jam 90s Band”, and we went with it until the band folded up just before Covid. I created this band logo below to emphasize the band’s, “Live” and “Pearl Jam.” We also used “LJ90B” to keep it simpler. 😀🎶🇺🇸
Thrift Store Heroes
Barfly Homers
Sans Hairspray
Gen XK
Feeling Redmond
Hourly Dialup
Don't Taze Me Bro
Pawn Shop Victory
No Eyeliner
Feeling Minnesota
DOS Booting
Grrl Power
Darth Jar Jar
Chat line infomercial
Scrambled Skinimax
Red Pill Conspiracy
Dating Daria
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Talk to the Hand
Home Skillet
Fart Knocker
My Bad
Old School
Chill Axe
Off the Chain
On Point
Word to your Mother
Eat my Shorts
Going Postal
Tutti Frutti Humbuckers
Titties and Beer
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Rocky Montage
Wind Ring Terrain
Passion Tribe
Xeon Prism
Diamond Flux
Halley’s Sphere
Alley Red Dye
Huron Rapids
Monica’s Diary
Zion’s Preemption
Nine Zero’s Mural (<<< My Favorite) 😀🎶🇺🇸
Powell's massive destruction weapons
Actually, WMD’s & Powell is post 2001. Kuwait was the issue of the Gulf War which was 90’s. Although Saddam did choose to gas a bunch of his citizens (Kurds) during the late 80’s and probably 90’s.
There’s a canadian (assuming) cover band called “big shiny toons” on a flyer i saw yesterday. That told me exactly what they play lol. Too specific for US tho.
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