Need expression pedals bypassed/minimum on boot up


I'm using exp pedals for wah and volume.
When I boot up to my main preset they are both on and volume is on full no matter where the pedals are positioned
I want them to both be off, minimum values when I boot. Wah is set bypassed in heel position and volume pedal is set 0 at heel from modifier page.
Both work as expected.
I've tried saving them in off positions and I've tried the PC reset switch in the modifier menu with no luck.
The pedals are off when loading the preset from another, but I'm hoping to have them off when booting.
What am I missing?
I have noticed the same thing just using an expression pedal for the VolPan block. Upon boot, the preset does not honor the position of the pedal. This is not the case with the AxeFX III/FC6.
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Verified it here and tried with other blocks, Phaser, TremPan, etc. When I boot up, they are on full ON even though pedal is at minimum.
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on board pedal jacks behave differently than fc/midi controlled i believe.

As a test, I plugged the expression directly into Pedal 1 in the AxeFX III. I can verify that upon boot the AxeFX III honors the position of a pedal plugged directly into the AxeFX III, which is the same behavior I got with the pedal plugged into the FC6. This appears to be either an FM3 bug, or just different behavior compared to the AxeIII.

I have also noticed that the FM3 does not respond to stand-in switches upon the first press of the switch after boot. When you first press the switch, nothing happens. When you press it again, the assigned function is executed.
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Try turning 'PC Reset' on in the Modifier Window, then enter the value that you want that parameter to always start at when the preset loads.
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Try turning 'PC Reset' on in the Modifier Window, then enter the value that you want that parameter to always start at when the preset loads.
As mentioned in my OP, I've tried that.
I think it works when the preset loads from another preset, but not upon boot.
Maybe that's how it's designed...I'm just trying to see if I can get them off on boot.
As mentioned in my OP, I've tried that.
I think it works when the preset loads from another preset, but not upon boot.
Ooops... My bado_O. My speed reading needs work... lol

I always Use External Controllers that are assigned to the FC Pedals. Then I can use the External Controller 'Initial Value' settings to get everything to boot up how I like. In my case it is actually 100%. I use 95% for Wah auto-engage (toe down), and I want my volume at full at boot up, for when I don't have a controller connected. Otherwise they boot up at 0% = no sound, and Wah engaged.
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Ooops... My bado_O. My speed reading needs work... lol

I always Use External Controllers that are assigned to the FC Pedals. Then I can use the External Controller 'Initial Value' settings to get everything to boot up how I like. In my case it is actually 100%. I use 95% for Wah auto-engage (toe down), and I want my volume at full at boot up, for when I don't have a controller connected. Otherwise they boot up at 0% = no sound, and Wah engaged.
Just one more reason to use External Controllers.
I thought the initial value setting was used to set the value if the expression pedal was not plugged in. Maybe I’m thinking of a different parameter because I know there is a setting in the Axe3 for that purpose.

Regardless, IMO, if an expression pedal is plugged in and assigned to a parameter in the preset, the software should honor the position of the pedal upon boot-up.
I thought the initial value setting was used to set the value if the expression pedal was not plugged in. Maybe I’m thinking of a different parameter because I know there is a setting in the Axe3 for that purpose.
That parameter sets the initial value of a parameter that’s tied to a MIDI CC. It stays at that initial value until it receives a MIDI message telling it otherwise. You can’t really do that with an expression pedal, because the expression pedal jack always reports some kind of signal, whether there’s a pedal attached or not.

Regardless, IMO, if an expression pedal is plugged in and assigned to a parameter in the preset, the software should honor the position of the pedal upon boot-up.
Well...I was hoping someone from Fractal would chime in and say if exp pedals can be made to zero out on boot up.
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