Need Advice: FM3 to FM9


Hi all,

I am sure this has been discussed far to many times, but I recently got an FM3 MKII Turbo, love it, finally dialing in my tones, I run pretty simple chains, amp, comp, drive, chorus, delay, reverb and a pitch block.

As simple as this chain is when setting IRs to their highest resolution and reverbs at their most extreme I am maxing things out (granted for live this prob makes little difference), but it got me thinking, do I need an FM9 instead?

I do not plan to run dual amps, nor use the more comprehensive routing, if anything I would use the FM9 in a more traditional board purpose where I run a clean channel and a edge of breakup and then just use pedals on their own switches rather than comprehensive scene switching.

So torn, I don’t need the 9 as the 3 sounds great, but it might be nice to have all the extra switches and more processing power long term in the event I need it.

Use cases are rehearsal, small venue gigs and home play / practice, this would not be for recording.

Is it worth it? $700 jump for buttons and higher resolution reverbs :)

Thanks in advance!
Thanks all, yea I was using a smaller live rig basically a 10x18 style layout with about 8 pedals before playing through a clean amp, and just tap dancing, scenes are great but it does allow me to not have to hide tap tempo etc with more switches.
If you can afford it, make the jump, unless you can figure out a more efficient way (CPU-wise) of getting the sound you want.
I moved from the FM3 to the FM9. I love the FM9 immensely ! But I wish I still had the FM3 too for a smaller fly rig or backup.

But on the upside... I sold the FM3 for exactly what I had in it. They hold their value very well. It was a budget decision to sell it, but looking back I miss it... And I will probably get another one.
I was happy to dish out more money for the extra switches. I was never able to get along with only 3 switches. I'm too dumb and clumsy to make it work lol. I ended up using an air step which helped a lot.

Once I got the FM9, I can't go back to my FM3. The extra horse power and switches made the purchase worth it. I no longer have to worry about maxing out the cpu like I did with the fm3.
I don't know about these golden ears guys but even on pretty good headphones I can hardly hear a difference on any of the quality settings. And my ears are still pretty good for my age. I've tested.

The switches and options are the things to judge for yourself if you can live without.

I've been running preset per song for ages but volume adjusting is a struggle every time. Condensing all my effects into a couple presets is my current predicament.
Well I ordered an FM9, the extra DSP, additional switches and more traditional work flow I can create with the switches are what lead me to do it, probably not something needed ad I can get by with scenes on the three and a little tap dancing, but over time I hope the extras bring value and happiness to my overall fractal experience.

The extra switches go a LONG way for me. I can do a lot on an FM3, but I prefer to have it right in front of me instead of needing to page around different layouts and views.
This! I have an FM3 Mark II Turbo but I use it as a secondary device. I pair it with an FC6 and use the OMG9 layout. Holding, especially to change pages, takes too much concentration when playing in the moment.

As simple as this chain is when setting IRs to their highest resolution and reverbs at their most extreme I am maxing things out (granted for live this prob makes little difference), but it got me thinking, do I need an FM9 instead?
It is not worth it in a mix. Economy or Normal Quality on reverb is sufficient. Ultra-res IRs are good if you are practicing/playing with no track or other audio. In a mix Standard is fine and no one will hear the difference.
Thanks all, appreciate the insight, my FM9 arrives tomorrow, I have watched so many videos, I had 3 weeks with the FM3 and wanted to upgrade for the switches, though I suspect with my basic chains I will be able to max everything I need out and still have CPU to spare.
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Good luck with it @sfla99 - I moved to Fractal Land after being a long-time user of a Line 6 Helix floor model, so I didn't think the FM3 would be a good fit for me. That may have been true or not, but I don't regret picking up the FM9 Turbo for one second. Now I'm able to dial in exactly the kind of tones I want and so far have never had to compromise.
I sold my AX8 and upgraded to an FM9. I would never make the mistake of going from a 11 switch AX8 to a 3 switch FM3.

I now possess a 9 switch FM9, and my world is overflowing with true joy and happiness. ;)
Started with the FM3 and it worked pretty good but I then ran into the obvious problems that most of us FM9 users eventually do! Personally I would rather have it and not need it that to need it and not have it! If the extra weight and cost is not a factor buy it!
Late to the party as usual, but you’ll love the FM9. That said, adding a used FC6 at a tick more than half that $700 would give you as many switches to step on (though not the horsepower) as the FM9. I’d always say get more than you think you need, but the FM3/FC6 combo gets a lot of users to a happy place.

I have an FM9 and an FC6 as my main rig, and I’m now testing an FC12 with the FM9 as an “ultimate switchmaster” setup. Loving the combo so far.

Yeah, I know… it never really ends.
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