Nearly 100 degrees direct sunlight

It’s amazing what a simple white towel can do to lower heat on exposed devices. I used to drape a light colored beach towel over my Axe Fx rack, and the temp difference astonished me.

That black color looks nice, but sure draws the heat. Keeping it covered with a white towel until showtime will help.
I'm heading out for an outdoor gig shortly and I'm expecting mid to high 90's to be the temperature. I'll keep my FM9 covered until it's go time. This is my 3rd or 4th summer gigging mine and it's done well with hot outdoor temps in direct sunlight. Zero issues actually. I'm not into pushing my luck though. With mine I cover it whenever possible until I have to play.
Interesting notes. AX8s have been amazing the last several years. Expecting the same from the FM9s. Int'l manifest snafu in January delayed their tour rollout until post Aug rehearsals. Sound great, excited to have them underfoot soon.
Finished my gig. It reached 111°. The FM 9 was fine. It fared better than the band. I'm getting too old for this s***.
Yea, been there in the Phoenix heat. Some years back we played a July 4th gig in Cave Creek outside 110 plus. We were fine as was the gear but they are not enjoyable shows. I pretty much put a permanent ban on outside summer gigs. Glad you guys are ok.
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