Wish Names for Block Channels

Would it be possible to be able to name the different channels in an effects block? I think would add some great functionality.

  1. If you are inc up or down in on an FX block the foot switch would to show the name of the block I'm currently on. Very useful in switching amp channels.
  2. This would also make it much easier when setting up scenes on other FX blocks to know that channel 1 on the delay block is my short tape and channel two is my long digital delay.
  3. And this might be of a left field suggestion, but in my default layout I have the a button set to toggle between amp channel A and B, but if I add a third or fourth channel I have to use a per preset override. If channels had names you could have an option to only inc up and down through all the named channels. This way if only A and B have names it only toggles between them, but as soon as you name channel C or D they are automatically added to the inc list.
I know this would add a fair bit of data to each preset and I don't know how much storage the units have to spare but I think there is a lot of utility to this.

Thanks again for all the great products.
Channel names would be great.
It's impossible to remember what's in every channel of every block/
Especially useful for those kitchen sink presets.
But I would settle for the type in the block channel name
Would be cool functionality, but it'd cost us in various ways. There are a lot of channels, in a lot of blocks.

That adds a lot of storage, in every preset, increasing size and loading time. It means updating all FC displays a lot more often, potentially when any switched block changes scenes or channels.

Storage and CPU resources are finite, and this admittedly attractive wish is kind of spendy of both, without adding new capabilities, just more detailed labels..
+1 on this.

The only workaround I have now is to try and keep roughly the same idea across the blocks. ie, amp channel 1 is clean, amp channel 4 is overdriven. Usually I try to go from least effected/aggressive to most effected/aggressive as the channels increment.
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