My first metal band recorded thru my AxeFx (aiming Gojira sound)

Awsome tone dude, great drums, pretty clean recording, so far guitars sound really clean drums sound good sounds like sd2 correct me if i wrong?. I love it though man keep it up great post.
Hey m8, thanks for your posting, i was wondering : As the drums sound is a work in progress, could you lead me to what could make drums sound more punchy ?


I just heard the mix again, dunno if you updated it with a new drum sound, and sorry for the late reply!


You might want to try these things -

1. Sidechain the kick to the bass (if you already havent) - kick compressed the bass guitar
2. Sidechain the snare to the kick - i've seen that in fast double bass parts, it helps the snare stick out without needing to uselessly put up it's levels
3. Go a little easy on the master compression! It's beginning to lose some of the clarity. I know Gojira have a FRIGGIN loud master, but it really doesn't need to be that loud
4. I'm just listening to the track, and the drums are actually sounding pretty nice! I'd probably cut out of a bit of the mids from the toms, add some more lows to the kick, and gate the fuck out of them! Your snare compression seems pretty spot on, although I personally like a bit more lows on my snare, makes it sound bigger!
5. Also if you're using SD2, you might want to blend in another kick in the track to just experiment a bit more
6. Ah the bass just kicked in! Sounding great, although you might want to slap a multiband compressor on that to tame the high mids. And hell, distort it a bit more!
7. I sometimes do a parallel compression/extreme limiting on my kick to bring out the click a bit more and make it more attacky. Same with snare. It works in some cases, doesn't work in some. Worth a shot though! The only thing that REALLY lacks punch in your mix seems to be the kick. everything else sounds pretty good. Clean up the low end probably, and lightly compress it a bit to make it slightly attackier? Which SD2 kit is this?

Actually, apart from the extra loud master, and some nasty compression artifacts, it sounds pretty decent! Good job :) Keep em coming!

I just heard the mix again, dunno if you updated it with a new drum sound, and sorry for the late reply!


You might want to try these things -

1. Sidechain the kick to the bass (if you already havent) - kick compressed the bass guitar
2. Sidechain the snare to the kick - i've seen that in fast double bass parts, it helps the snare stick out without needing to uselessly put up it's levels
3. Go a little easy on the master compression! It's beginning to lose some of the clarity. I know Gojira have a FRIGGIN loud master, but it really doesn't need to be that loud
4. I'm just listening to the track, and the drums are actually sounding pretty nice! I'd probably cut out of a bit of the mids from the toms, add some more lows to the kick, and gate the fuck out of them! Your snare compression seems pretty spot on, although I personally like a bit more lows on my snare, makes it sound bigger!
5. Also if you're using SD2, you might want to blend in another kick in the track to just experiment a bit more
6. Ah the bass just kicked in! Sounding great, although you might want to slap a multiband compressor on that to tame the high mids. And hell, distort it a bit more!
7. I sometimes do a parallel compression/extreme limiting on my kick to bring out the click a bit more and make it more attacky. Same with snare. It works in some cases, doesn't work in some. Worth a shot though! The only thing that REALLY lacks punch in your mix seems to be the kick. everything else sounds pretty good. Clean up the low end probably, and lightly compress it a bit to make it slightly attackier? Which SD2 kit is this?

Actually, apart from the extra loud master, and some nasty compression artifacts, it sounds pretty decent! Good job :) Keep em coming!

Thanks man !
but could you help me on how to sidechain kick and bass in cubase sx3 ?
also do you have a prefered bass distorsion plugin ?

Can't sidechain in cubase sx3 with any dependability. You're MUCH better off upgrading to cubase 5 AT LEAST, if not 6. You might get some neat discounts on cubase 5 now that 6 is out! Sidechaining in 5 is dead simple!

For bass distortion, I'd really recommend using the axe fx man. Split your signal, one going into a clean amp, and one going either through a stomp into another bass amp, or even into a high gain guitar amp, if that's your thing. I also high pass the distorted signal at arnd 250 to get a clear distortion, and use the lows from the clean track itself. Sometimes, the lows on the bass don't distort very well on alot of amps. Preferred stomps for this are the RAT & the BBE. That's the way I like doing it, keeps it clean and punchy at the same time, so I can get some ridiculously distorted tones without sacrificing any low end. I also have a sansamp psa1 preamp which is still with me ONLY because it SLAYS for the bass! Seriously. Some of the best bass tones I've gotten are from that. And lately I've seen that a solid sexy bass tone, with tons of grit and balls, will make your mix sound MASSIVE! You can safely high pass your guitars at something as high at 100 as well! Oh and do high and low passes wherever you think you can - you'll clean up a lot of room in your mix!

Small tip which I've learnt over the years and alot of senior metal producers have told me - your mix is like a small room, say 2X4 metres. You wanna fill it up with 20 people, some fat, some thin, some kids, some tall, some short. What's the best way you'll do this without making the walls (assuming they're made of cardboard) break? Even though I go with feel these days, and not hardcore engineering aspects, keeping this in mind helps focus. Hope I don't sound too pompous :p but if it helps you then it's awesome! If it doesn't I'm just blowing hot air :p
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Can't sidechain in cubase sx3 with any dependability. You're MUCH better off upgrading to cubase 5 AT LEAST, if not 6. You might get some neat discounts on cubase 5 now that 6 is out! Sidechaining in 5 is dead simple!

For bass distortion, I'd really recommend using the axe fx man. Split your signal, one going into a clean amp, and one going either through a stomp into another bass amp, or even into a high gain guitar amp, if that's your thing. I also high pass the distorted signal at arnd 250 to get a clear distortion, and use the lows from the clean track itself. Sometimes, the lows on the bass don't distort very well on alot of amps. Preferred stomps for this are the RAT & the BBE. That's the way I like doing it, keeps it clean and punchy at the same time, so I can get some ridiculously distorted tones without sacrificing any low end. I also have a sansamp psa1 preamp which is still with me ONLY because it SLAYS for the bass! Seriously. Some of the best bass tones I've gotten are from that. And lately I've seen that a solid sexy bass tone, with tons of grit and balls, will make your mix sound MASSIVE! You can safely high pass your guitars at something as high at 100 as well! Oh and do high and low passes wherever you think you can - you'll clean up a lot of room in your mix!

Small tip which I've learnt over the years and alot of senior metal producers have told me - your mix is like a small room, say 2X4 metres. You wanna fill it up with 20 people, some fat, some thin, some kids, some tall, some short. What's the best way you'll do this without making the walls (assuming they're made of cardboard) break? Even though I go with feel these days, and not hardcore engineering aspects, keeping this in mind helps focus. Hope I don't sound too pompous :p but if it helps you then it's awesome! If it doesn't I'm just blowing hot air :p

Thanks for those great advises :) i'll try cubase 5 as soon as possible !
Oh, i just heard the way of all flesh back to back twice! I think the MEAT of that gojira sound, is that completely sludgy and awesome low end! There's so much amazingly controlled rumble in there - your patch is actually dead on, except for that one factor! You should try the 5150 sim - it's got all of that! Although the high end is a bitch to dial in with that!
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