My AxeFx II XL+ shipped yesterday and arrives next Monday will it have the Quantum firmware?

Mine came with Quantum 1.0 when I purchased it a few weeks ago and I updated to v. 1.01 shortly after and now v. 1.02. It's simple to do.
Even if it's an older version, it's no biggie - it only takes a few minutes, like maybe 5 or so, to update.

It may take you a bit longer, if you're new to the Fractal world, since you'll need to d/l software, and learn new devices and such, but it's still a minor thing to update, if you want to.
If you haven't downloaded the software, you can do that while you're waiting for your axefx to arrive. You can find Axe-Edit and Fractal-Bot on the Fractal site under support.
FAS has ALWAYS shipped units with the MOST RECENT firmware installed..part of their QA/QC bench checking process.
if a new firmware came out the day after it shipped... well no!, you will have to upgrade.
But.. I have seen folks get their units with soon to be released firmware installed.
Check what you have when it arrives and upgrade per advice already posted,
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