Modifying Stereo Presets for Mono


I plan to utilize my FM9 as a stereo rig to FOH. I will also have stereo on stage (backline and monitor). I'd liked to be prepared for those instances where stereo to FOH won't be an option....for whatever reason. Just wondering what you guys w/ stereo rigs do to quickly modify stereo presets to fit a mono situation. I'm asking from the standpoint of making presets. THANKS!
thx. looking for a bit of strategy vs what's in the manual.

...interesting idea for two separate banks. thx!
thx. looking for a bit of strategy vs what's in the manual.
Here's your strategy:

1) Cruise the manual section that @Greg Ferguson posted above — and follow the links — to learn what sorts of things can happen when you collapse your signal to mono.

2) Apply the things you learned in Step 1 to each of your presets, to determine which ones apply to which presets.

3) For each of your presets, determine whether you can get by with a blanket setting change for all of them, or you need to tweak each preset for mono individually.
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thx. looking for a bit of strategy vs what's in the manual.
Rely on the manual first. It's full of knowledge based on 20+ years of dealing with these specific topics with this equipment. What anyone else says, AKA "strategy", will have been gleaned from the manual or from someone who read the manual or a similar source, or could be wrong and you'll get to sort that out.
You can set each of the outputs to be Stereo, Sum L+R, or Copy L->R in the Setup | I/O | Audio menu. You can test what happens with your presets when you have your output set to Sum L+R or Copy L->R and see if that works ok or if you need to make any adjustments.
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