Mission Engineering or value...

You mean like a zipper noise?

Any idea as to how I can rid myself of this horrible 'zippering' noise? ME said it may be a ground issue. I am still waiting to hear from LF about this. Anybody here ever have this issue and then remedy it?
There is a dampening setting in the Axe-FX controller settings; I use 12ms with my Mission pedals and viola - zipper noise does not exist.
Mission pedals and viola



Since you have many ME pedals can I ask how much more travel the pedal has compared to a stock Crybaby? From some pics on their site it looks to be quite noticeable. However, from the pics posted above they don't look much different travel wise. I know they have a tension adjustment as well. I thought they used insulate jacks...

I have two ME pedals, that's not 'many'. :D

The travel is exactly the same as a Dunlop Crybaby. IMHO.

I spoke with one of their engineers on the phone. He said that there is more travel. I trust your judgment though. Once I can recreate the tension adjustment and the spring I will have no need for ME.


Scott gave the answer. Now I just wish there was the ability to apply dampening to Global Output Vol. Into the back of the AXE, no issue, into LFP and I got de zipper.
I also have some old crybaby's laying around and would like to try the ME conversion kit for use with my mfc 101
Does anyone know what switch to order ? they sell latching or momentary?

Hey shotgunn can you pm me or share with us a wiring diagram with the LED in the ckt?
Are you using it with the LFP? I have to design a latching FET circuit for use with my LFP. This is because the LFP requires a momentary stomp switch. This means the light will not stay on. Even if I design the FET circuit (only for the LED) I may have my wah (for example) off with the LED on, or vice versa...

If you are using a latching switch you just need to use an LED with a resistor (4.7k should do fine) an use the switch to interrupt the current path. It doesn't matter if the resistor is used on the + or - side of the LED.


I also have some old crybaby's laying around and would like to try the ME conversion kit for use with my mfc 101
Does anyone know what switch to order ? they sell latching or momentary?

Hey shotgunn can you pm me or share with us a wiring diagram with the LED in the ckt?
There are online pedal parts retailers that actually sell standard blank VOX / Crybaby style wah chassis. I used to buy them to build custom (analog) wah pedals. Might get some and build a few basic expression pedals. Throw in a pot and a couple of switchcraft jacks and that's it - maybe a DPDT switch and LED if you like as well. You would have to try different tapered pots (linear, audio taper, etc) to find the best feel. I have a feeling that those Dunlop pots are designed specifically for analog wah applications, so may not be be the best for this purpose - there would be cheaper alternatives. Some of the old-school wah chassis also have an adjustable tension piece under the rocker to adjust friction, and you can loosen up tight ones with a can of WD-40 if you prefer a more fluid movement.
Who sells Vox/Crybaby chassis'? I've searched and can only find them used. I would love to know.

Please, do tell.


I'm a djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

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Hi mate - I have gone through all of my old links from when I used to build pedals but they are all dead!! I had a couple of good Australian suppliers who stocked pretty good cheap wah chassis - not sure whether they the actual ones commissioned by dunlop but they looked the same to me. Give me some time to see if I can track them down again.

The cheapest US based retailer that I know of is Smallbear Electronics - but I see that they have bumped the price up to about $45!!! This may be due to the increase in popularity of DIY kit suppliers like BYOC (wah) who sell all the internals for pretty decent analog wahs separately.

Having reassessed the current situation, if the cheapest enclosure readily available to you guys in the US is $45 or more, it makes it a bit less worthwhile putting the time into building your own as opposed to simply ordering one from mission. If you can get cheap secondhand pedals though, and find the right pot taper and resistance, then you may be in luck.
Thanx, I know about smallbear. I must've missed that they sell wah chassis'.

I'm a djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
Scott which Mission Engineering Pedal Model do you recommend from their website? I am planning on using one pedal for now to use as the wah or volume pedal. However in the future I plan on having two expression pedals operating at once. Please let me know Thanks Brian
I'm not Scott, but I can tell you we'll need to know which MIDI controller you're using. You'll need whichever one is compatible with your controller.

so I know that this is an old post but I got a very cheap ME TC pedal ( for like 40 euros) and i wanna switch out the potentiometer for a 20k or 25k. I could just use the dunlop hot potz right?
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