MIDI controllers with Tuner displays


New Member
What's up guys? I was just wondering which MIDI controllers (if any) have a tuner display. I really like my Korg Pitchblack, and I know the Axe Fx has a tuner, but I just like the convenience of having it at my feet.

So, do any MIDI controllers have a tuner built in or the capability to feed the Axe Fx's tuner to the display?

AFAIK MFC-101 and Liquid-Foot are the only one with a tuner fed by the axe-fx
I believe the Little Giant does, too.
Yep. The Gordius Little Giant can display the Axe tuner on its own display. Since the release of firmware 3, the LG is everything I have ever wanted from a midi controller. It now has practically unlimited memory and can do things no other controller can. It is a fantastic product.
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