MFC upgrade = total failure

Just to tie off this thread...

I did finally get the MFC upgraded by using the oldest interface in the house (a dusty old eMagic MT-4) and an ancient Windows ME USB 1.1 laptop that a cat had thrown up on. Worked first time, so I have to thank everyone here who contributed thought/ideas/sympathy, and also Snookie (the cat) for her contribution as well.

I guess the lesson here is to use the funkiest, junkiest, stuff you have to upgrade that expensive new stuff. Sheesh.

I guess the key is that the old stuff was slow ... slow transmit rate, long delays inbetween, just slowww ...
Yek -No substitutions: Borrow a cat, follow it around with an open laptop until you get the secret sauce!

Skyko - I used the same settings in C6 (90ms delay, no turbo) that didn't work on the fancy/expensive stuff. Even the funky old laptop is massively faster than MIDI, though. I still give all the credit to Snookie.:)

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