MFC-101 MIDI Foot Controller Product Info & Availability

Is the MFC architecture such that one MFC preset can send a stream of cc's, program changes, midi notes, other midi language, all at once and down different midi channels?
solo-act said:
Is the MFC architecture such that one MFC preset can send a stream of cc's, program changes, midi notes, other midi language, all at once and down different midi channels?
Quote from the manual - section 4.2,4.3,4.4 - seem to open up a world of programming possibilities once you learn how to use them.
An MFC-101 preset is a set of pre-programmed MIDI instructions, able to be loaded from a Preset footswitch and sent to your connected device(s).
NOTE: As described above, each MFC-101 preset can send MIDI commands which cause any Axe-Fx preset to be recalled, plus up to 15 other MIDI Program Change messages for additional connected devices.
quark said:
This is from the MFC-101 manual:
The Axe-Fx Default Bank setting remaps default MFC-101 presets to Axe-Fx banks A, B or C.
? Axe-Fx Preset Transmit Map allows you to load any Axe-Fx preset from any MFC-101 preset.
So it would seem to me that if it were possible to send a Midi Command from the MFC to itself that reset it's Default Bank Setting, then all 384 Axe presets would be available from the MFC with the limitation that MFC Preset 000 could be Axe Preset 000, or 128, or 256 depending upon the current status of the Default Bank setting.

Anyone else read it like this or think this is a workable solution for getting at all 384 Axe Presets?

you can probably already do that by sending a CC #0 with a value of 0,1,2

I just confirmed you can easily map any of the 384 axe-fx presets to the 128 mfc presets with the Axe-fx TxMap function
so you could map mfc preset 001 to 383 on the Axe-fx.
solo-act said:
Is the MFC architecture such that one MFC preset can send a stream of cc's, program changes, midi notes, other midi language, all at once and down different midi channels?

you can do this per preset:

Up to 16 MIDI program change messages (one per channel).
? MIDI commands for the saved states of up to 41 instant access switches.
? ON or OFF messages for up to 17 Internal Control Change (“CC”) messages.
? Up to 16 bytes of custom MIDI data. Anything goes!
Hey Solo. Looks like the solution we've been looking for to control our Metric Halo gear live!
sorry if this was already stated and for being all business-like, but is the pricing on the web shop the actual price we will pay for the mcf, or is there something else i don't know about?
mejoshee said:
sorry if this was already stated and for being all business-like, but is the pricing on the web shop the actual price we will pay for the mcf, or is there something else i don't know about?

When your name comes up on the waiting list, you will receive a coupon for $100 off from what I understand
JustinAiken said:
Although the shipping is $50... more than double what something weighing half cost to ship from EWI..

Not trying to defend FAS, but is shipping AND handle. And yes, it is VERY expensive.
so seriously, we just wait until they are ready enough? i think that's the gist of this thread... :?

someone mentioned in another thread about how the waitlist will pretty much be taken care of in one fell swoop with the "first" mfc shipment, so i guess that we just take fa's word for it about the public availability via the site?

only reason i ask is because what if you're in the email database waiting for a wait-list email, but not "on the list" (e.g. you emailed last week, month, etc.)? does this mean you are now in the general pool of post-list sales for the $100 discount according to some claims, or are you still in the list, but not acknowledged yet? the system seems convoluted to me, but i haven't been following it for as long, maybe 2 weeks.

any (constructive, on-topic) comments? :?:
It seems that alot of people never got a confirmation of being on the list, after send an email asking to be put on the list.
I never got a confirmation, so I sent a 2nd email to ask for confirmation that I was on the list... they responded and said "confirmed"...
does that warrant a second email? :oops:

good news everyone! i'm the list, confirmed this morning! :D


Matman said:
TBurst Std said:
Here's a Q, I am not all the way through the maunal but I am impatient.
Can you group IAs ala a LF?

Yes. Look up "Switch Links" in the manual. p22

Matman - Let me repeat the question differently since I am confused by the answer :

Can I group IAs so clicking one AI will turn on multiple IAs ?
Example: I want to have a "solo" IA that turns on multiple other IAs (ie delay and boost).
How would I do this with the MFC-101 ?

Each switch can send 2 CC messages (the way I interpret the manual, they are both either "ON" or "OFF", I haven't tested this). I believe you could send custom Sysex data with that switch, in addition. Otherwise, you could accomplish this by assigning Ext1-8 to the effect bypass for the effects you want to turn on.

If you're asking is there a way to have one IA assigned to multiple effects in Axe-Fx mode (without editing CC values), I don't believe so.
m lebofsky said:
Matman said:
Yes. Look up "Switch Links" in the manual. p22

Matman - Let me repeat the question differently since I am confused by the answer :

Can I group IAs so clicking one AI will turn on multiple IAs ?
Example: I want to have a "solo" IA that turns on multiple other IAs (ie delay and boost).
How would I do this with the MFC-101 ?


No, you can't do this. You can group IAs into "radio button" type collections for traditional amp channel type switching.
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