MFC-101 External Pedal Question


I am currently using switch 5 as a volume boost for solos. My problem with that
is I often step on the wrong switch or multiple switches at the same time. I would
like to use a Boss FS-5 or FS-6 separated from, or sitting next to the MFC to do this is instead. I currently
have a Mission VOL/WAH pedal connected into expression pedals 1 & 2. How can I set
the Boss pedal up as an on and off switch for solos. I used KKMmusic Youtube video to set the volume boost up.
Thanks for any help.
the same way you set up the Mission pedal, just use the Switch port on the MFC, the XS menus (instead of XP) and the CC# for whatever block or function you use as your volume boost.
Thanks Chris. I will give this a try this coming weekend. I have an audition friday and
don't want to screw anything up before then. I have set my board up using your tutorial
videos. Never would have gotten anywhere without them.
Chris. Really sorry to trouble you but I obviously don't know how to do this and can you walk
me thru it? I have changed my I/A switch 5 back to Scene 5 as it was when I bought it. Now
I have access to 5 presets per bank. I have a Boss FS-6 dual foot switch I would like to use.
It gives me 2 things to control if I ever find out how.
Chris, I did get it to work. The problem now is when the switch is on
and I go to a different preset, the switch stays on and requires a off-on-off press
to get it really off. Any way to automatically turn off when I switch presets? By the
way I am only using the "A" side of the FS-6 pedal with a normal guitar cable.
Thanks guys. Still no way to have it shut of automatically when changing presets?
Would a different kind of switch work?
turn scene revert on in the axe fx I/o menu I think this will reset scene state when switched.
How about turning pc reset on in the modifier page for what ever you are controlling for the post? I think there is a setting similar in the mfc for the switch ports to reset on patch change(or stay the same) I will look for this when I can be at my rig.
Am I the only weirdo that actually reads the manuals cover to cover, over and over?:shock
Thanks bwanagary, Chris and paranoid. I don't have to tap dance on the pedal when I switch presets. Only step once now.
Wish it would turn off like when I was using switch I/A 5 for a volume boost but this will do.
Mokey - Don't know how to take your comment. This forum exists to help people and not insult them or assume
they did not look in the manual before asking a question. Not everyone like myself understand this unit or its
language so we ask for help.
Sorry dandufour, you are correct.

I was mostly making fun of myself for being so obsessed with my Fractal rig that I have probably read the manuals dozens of times trying to learn everything that I can about these amazing units. To the point where now when someone asks a perfectly normal 'newby' question, I think "How could they not know that"........AND THAT'S NOT COOL..........

Please accept my sincere apology...........I will try to be more positive in the future.
When you were using IA switch #5 for your boost, what block did that switch actually control? I have an idea that might work for you?..............Off to do some testing:encouragement:
Wish it would turn off like when I was using switch I/A 5 for a volume boost but this will do.
Mokey - Don't know how to take your comment. This forum exists to help people and not insult them or assume

Hey mate, how about a different approach? Why do you leverage scenes with the REVEAL setting left on for "said song you're playing". When you select scene 5 for example, it enables your volume boost for all of your built presets??? I don't know, it could be a simpler approach as that's how I use my MFC/scenes almost exclusively for my preset builds. Just a thought!
If you are currently using scenes or open to the idea. you can set your Boss pedal to 'momentary'. Then assign that switch to your 'Lead' scene. (In my case I always use scene #4 for leads) I use a switch in my expression pedal #1 (volume) That switch takes me straight to scene #4, when I press it again it takes me back to scene #1.

If you only need 2 scenes (1 main scene and 1 lead scene), you could also set up that Boss pedal to send the 'scene up' command (midi CC # 123). Assign 2 IA switches on the MFC ( maybe on one of the upper rows?) to scene #1 and scene #2. Now you can use the Boss pedal to switch between scenes #1 and #2 and the two IA switches on the MFC will always display which scene you are on.
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