metronome changing speed when exiting the menu


New Member
Hi guys!

I am sure I am doing something wrong but I could not find any answer neither on the ax8 manual or with google.

When I use the metronome on the unit, the speed often randomly changes when the metronome menu closes.
It happens both when I set the tempo with the tap or using the knob.

It is really driving me crazy, does anybody have any hint? How do you usually set the tempo?

Connected to equipment, such as computer or drums-pedal?

Is Tempo set to "global" or "preset"
Thanks Yek. Not connected to any equipment and the tempo is set to preset. Works fine until I enter the tempo menu and change the tempo using knob A. After exiting the tempo menu the overall tempo definitely bounces around.
I have run into this too. I have not reported it because I don't have exact steps to reproduce the problem. Sometimes it keeps the tempo on exit, sometimes it doesn't.

No computer or other gear connected. Tempo is set to Preset, not Global.
When I use the metronome on the unit, the speed often randomly changes when the metronome menu closes.
It happens both when I set the tempo with the tap or using the knob.

I've had this happen too (V9.02). Seems like it happens in both global tempo and preset tempo. I typically use F3 to enter the menu and usually turn the D knob to activate the metronome and sometimes the E knob to adjust the volume, A to adjust tempo or tap to adjust tempo. Then, when the tempo screen times out I get a wacky tempo that's usually very slow but sometimes near the intended tempo and sometimes very fast. The only things attached are a guitar and an analog mixer.

I think I've found a workaround by pressing <enter> when I'm done making adjustments. I've done this a handful of times and it seems to work. Maybe others could test this and see if it works for more than just me before we ask @yek to add it to the wiki (unless of course this has already been addressed somewhere else and I missed it).
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Sorry guys, the jumps in tempo still happen on my AX8 even when pressing enter. I think this may be a bug since it seems to be happening on several machines.

EDIT: found it in the bug section.
Please link the bug thread here. I'm having the same issue and found the workaround. The AX8 doesn't allow you to set how tempo tap updates based average or last two taps. I assume it's defaulted to average. I have to tap my F3 button to enter tempo mode, set the tempo with A knob, exit the tempo mode, tap F3 once to again enter tempo mode, fix the tempo with A knob. Once I perform this "double setting," a single tap to enter tempo mode reveals the setting remains on the correct number.
Yes, this is still a bug. It happened to me the other day. I entered the tempo screen, adjusted the tempo with the A knob, and then when the unit exited the tempo menu the value was way off from what I had set.

It's intermittent, which I'm sure is nearly impossible to diagnose and fix. I opened a support ticket, but I don't know how much that will help because I cannot reproduce it on demand.
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