Metallica and Axe fx2

They aren't blazing the trail like the young bands but they are an awesome metal band, probably the most successful of all time behind Ozzy.

Surely Metallica are more successful than Ozzy? Certainly in album sales - Ozzy has nothing to touch The Black Album's squillions of units!
What did Lars say that got so negative here….I didn’t understand what he was mumbling…

Anyway, I don’t listen to them anymore and I don’t like anything produced AFTER the black album BUT they are truly a great band and I appreciate what they are doing even today, still they rock to the sky every stage they stand on.
Yap, they are still that good!
And NO, there is no age for metal, it's all in your head.
Show some respect, it's not that obvious to be such a band after so many years.
Not like it matters. At all. But I checked the figures:

Total album sales (Wikipedia) - Metallica = 120 million, Ozzy "over 100 million" with 55 million as a solo artist
Highest selling album (RIAA) - Metallica 16x platinum (Black Album), Ozzy 4x platinum (Paranoid, Blizzard of Oz, No More Tears)
Net Worth (Celebrity Net Worth) - Ozzy = $220 million, Hetfield = $175 million
But the intangible in my mind is Black Sabbath INVENTED heavy metal. In '68! When Metallica came up metal was well established and thrash was already invented. They even started out covering Diamond Head and Venom's Welcome to Hell was released in '81 two years before Kill'Em All. I still think they are the Led Zeppelin of heavy metal (sorry Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and a bunch of other great bands) and if I had to take only one metal discography to a desert island it would be Metallica's.

Regarding something that really matters...I have now seen the video and it looks like RT has a wedge. Active? Passive? From a mixing board I imagine and not from the Axe-FX? Are James and Kirk using power amps? Cabs?
There is Metallica stuff I like, and there is stuff that I'm not to fussed about. I'll start bashing Metallica when I've influenced more people, and had the success that they have.

I've learn't more Hetfield and Hammett stuff than they've learn't of mine, I'm guessing.
What did Lars say that got so negative here….I didn’t understand what he was mumbling.

He said that he didn't like it that people were using Napster to steal music (how dare he) and the "fans" have never forgiven him.

Oh... you mean in this specific video? Nothing. It's a behind the scenes peek at a rehearsal. People just don't like the guy, so it's apparently ok to shit on him all the time.
He said that he didn't like it that people were using Napster to steal music (how dare he) and the "fans" have never forgiven him.

Oh... you mean in this specific video? Nothing. It's a behind the scenes peek at a rehearsal. People just don't like the guy, so it's apparently ok to shit on him all the time.

I didn't know Napster provided a means to steal music. When I was using Napster, they charged per song. Definitely had to pay for it. Was Napster different before this?
When Metallica came up metal was well established and thrash was already invented.

Thrash already invented?? Nah, I'm not having that. Venom and Mercyful Fate were already knocking about but it was NEVER thrash until the mighty 'tallica came and conquered!!!
Thrash already invented?? Nah, I'm not having that. Venom and Mercyful Fate were already knocking about but it was NEVER thrash until the mighty 'tallica came and conquered!!!

Venom, Mercyful Fate plus Diamond Head, Blitzkrieg, Raven, Accept and probably a bunch of other bands released tracks that could retroactively be considered thrash (some of which Metallica covered). But as you say none had the might of Metallica. Kill 'em All is just such a fantastic album and when Ride the Lightning came out that just blew the lid off of the whole thing.
I enjoyed watching this show!
They had a different stage set-up than with regular festival shows, pretty cool to have those fans up on the stage!
I think the guys are still in great shape, bring on the next record!
Yeah when Napster first came out Metallica were the ones spear heading the whole thing. All I remember is Metallica or more specifically Lars kept preaching they write music for the fans. I used to love Metallica so much, in fact Sanitarium was one the very first song I learned how to play on the guitar. After the whole Napster incident it kind of turned me off from them. To be perfectly honest the Black album in my opinion was really the last album they did that was any good. The whole Napster fiasco wasn't about them not wanting people stealing there music that turned me off it was just the plain BS that Lars kept spewing that did. I understand the whole stealing music part that it pissed him off that is to be expected. But if you are in it for the money just say so. Ain't no big thing! That kind has one big ego. The only thing I like about them now is that they use Axe Fx.
As far as Napster and Metallica, all we have to do is look at the current state of the music business and it shows you that Lars and Metallica were right about what they were saying. When Metallica started the whole Napster crusade, they had plenty of support from other artists. When the backlash came all of Metallica's support dried up. At the time, Metallica really were one of the few bands that had the resources to fight a Napster. There isn't a band out there now that has the resources to go after the various pirate sites out there so it's sad to say it, but the music business has been changed forever. If you are considering a career in music these days, you should consider some other profession that will fund your music career. Lars can be a dick at times, but he had it right way back then, now musicians can't make money off of music.
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