Mesa MKIIc++ Test (Sad But True)

I decided to make a short clip with the new Mesa MKIIc++ amp and with my new drum sampler "The Black Album Drums". I used ML Sound Lab preset and tweaked it a little for my tasting, i added compression to take out some pick attack to make it sound smoother and cut out some offending frequencies. Drum sound is just straight out of the box which sound pretty awesome in my opinion. It's a stock preset with some level adjusts, nothing more! For bass i just used same preset as with guitars but mixed with DI tone.

Sounds great! would you mind posting the preset? I cant get enough of great Metallica tones :)
Here is my tone.

I processed guitar tracks firstly in my DAW but i tone matched it so you can have it also. I cut out some offending frequencies and added compression to tame those palm mutes, and i also really like the compressed palm mute sound somehow.. :D
On master buss i just added a little amount of high self boost but you don't really have to worry any of processing since it is already tone matched :)

I recorded 4 guitar tracks, 2x 100% Left and right and 2x 75% Left and right. I also duplicated all the four guitar tracks and added a room reverb(100% wet) and reversed the pannings.. It's neet trick to have guitar track sound huge :D if you want to go further in processing, i would bet that sidechain compression on guitar tracks with kick and snare would be phenomenal!

I used Jackson RR24 loaded with EMG81 pickup and note that i didn't tone match any of metallica's guitar tracks :D I used "ML Sound Lab" MKiic++ preset as a strating point and edit it to my tasting, i think i just reduced gain and added tape dist in front of amp, i really love to add it in front of MKIIc+ amps!

Here you go!


  • Metallica IIC++.syx
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