mental personal delay breakthrough...


So I've always had trouble getting delays to sound right in my chain...yeah when i would stop playing you'd hear the trails, but was always amazed at how delays sound with other guys patches/rigs and could never dial it in right. I'm sure my reverb approach is in a similar rut, i dont use a ton, but now want to explore it...


Let me ask if i'm dong it "right". I know, I know....its personal taste, but like I said, i've been unhappy with my delays so far, they have been serviceable, but not mind blowing like everyone elses.

So, I've read that if I put my delay on a parallel line. For instance, my signal is always set up on line 2 of the 'grid'. I occasionally run a dual amp above to line 1, and run dual cabs added to line 3. so I thought I would try moving my delay down to line 3 and insert a blank shunt on line 2...i adjusted the amp level to compensate for the additional volume. I also added some diffusion, 14% to the delay, and it really did seem to add some perceived reverb to the tails. Anyway, now the breakthrough, I decided on a whim to try running the mix at 100% and adjusting the level down to where i wanted it to seemed to have the tails and allowed original signal to breathe much better.

Am i doing that right as per the 'norm'?
thats what I've always read on here.

But i've always been more of a pedalboard type signal chain guy. Not much experience from the studio side of running effects and such, nor rack some of the routing options i've been aware of as far as parallel and series, but its not just as easy as plopping in an effect on another line and connecting shunts, there are other parts you need to tweak to make it sound right, and I guess it was more of a vocabulary understanding in my head with mix and level.

Probably been mis-educated (word??) from other gear i've had...other gear where I had the option of some routing, maybe labeled mix/level differently which is why I just had a hard time turning mix up past 25% really...but again, i was running serial instead of parallel...anyway,

Just thought I'd share in case others were having trouble dialing in a delay that works....I wish i had more time to really tweak the settings but I have a show tonight and still have over 20 patches to go through and tweak up the standards of the ones i've hit.

Thanks to everyone on this forum...i'm always grateful to learn what you guys have to offer.
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