Megadeth got to taste their own medicine last night...


Cab Pack Wizard
This is actually quite funny but bare with me. I was at a music festival this weekend called Qstock here in Finland where the headliner was Megadeth. Fair enough... can't name one of their songs but who hasn't heard of Megadeth right? Well they came in with their special demands and no offence to Megadeth but they're not as big in here as they think they are. The festival could not serve fish ever 5PM because Megadeth doesn't like the smell and yadda yadda... I guess they're still stuck in the 80s when people thought special demands made them look cooler or something. The real drama began when they refused to start playing unless Qstock pulls the electricity from this rapper called the Black Barbarian who was playing almost half a kilometer away on low volume.


He's a really funny guy and does a great racism satire. F.ex. he eats bananas in public interviews and his music is filled with racial slurs etc. (as if he was a monkey because he's black) Anyways I was at both gigs and witnessed what happened. Basically the Black Barbarian made a joke about this not being the first time when the white people start a show and cut the power from the black people. Well... he then interrupted the Megadeth gig. He jumped on stage and ripped his shirt off being muscular as he is and was trying to give his shirt to Mustaine. The problems was... he had no idea which one was Mustaine. :lol So what happened was that he kept running around the drum set until they caught him and they stopped the show for a while. Well he's actually a nice guy so he didn't really do anything stupid or offensive but IMO he could have. Because of Megadeth he could only play one song for his crowd and many people came to see his show also.

I wasn't interested in seeing Megadeth after their stunts so I left.
At Rockfest in Montebello Quebec this past June Mustaine
cried like a baby about the other two stages having bands play while they played. He said he didnt want to play an encore but would for us because we deserved better than this (while he pointed at the other two stages).

You could barely hear the other bands when they were quiet and absolutely could not hear them when they did their set. Mustaine is extremely talented and Megadeth still put on a great show but shut up and play bro!
The venue was being disrespectful.

Sounds like it was run by amateurs.

The headliner should not have to compete with a no talent racist bigot hack.

:lol There's just so much wrong in this post that I don't know where to begin... umm... let's start with you not knowing the Finnish language and being unable to understand anything about what he does. How he's actually removing racism from our country.

There's simply no way for me to see this as anything else but Mustaine having a small weenie and compensating for it.
Hmm. Just acting as Devil's Advocate here (because I know sod all about it).

A lot of the time managers and management companies request things for effect. Maybe Megadeth were playing it up themselves for effect... or what's more likely is that Mustaine was being a douche, indicated by his political statements.

All I know is that if someone rode up on stage (even another performer from sidestage), then security was lax because it was Megadeth's stage for that time after all. Last time that happened with serious consequences, Randy Blythe got charged with manslaughter. Time before that, Dimebag got shot.
All I have to say about riders is this: if the venue/event organiser accepts a rider for an act, they should fulfil the effing rider. If the rider is stupid or unreasonable, state this when it is presented. Also anyone getting on stage uninvited and not part of the crew needs to be dragged off by security immediately.
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:lol There's just so much wrong in this post that I don't know where to begin... umm... let's start with you not knowing the Finnish language and being unable to understand anything about what he does. How he's actually removing racism from our country..

Clark said;
He's a really funny guy and does a great racism satire. F.ex. he eats bananas in public interviews and his music is filled with racial slurs etc. (as if he was a monkey because he's black) Anyways I was at both gigs and witnessed what happened. Basically the Black Barbarian made a joke about this not being the first time when the white people start a show and cut the power from the black people
I found your'e story pretty funny actually. Mustaine is such a weird, socially awkward guy who often seems to be upset about something.

More like disrespect is a problem in Finland. It doesn't matter who you are or what you did but if you act like a dick you are a dick. :)

Dude, weren't you trying to justify being an arsehole a few months ago in your personality test thread?? ahahaha.. I actually took that quiz myself and the result I got was (I can't remember the exact terms) a rare interesting one. Then my wife said "thats bullshit" and did the test 'for me' and came up with an "ordinary guy" one. So I'm just an ordinary, average guy and I'm lucky to have her:D.
but shut up and play bro!
This. Some people simply did not internalize this yet.

However, I feel both sides are being equally douchebaggy here. Megadeth for demanding silence from other stages (as if they would not be heard over some background noise, lol) and the rapper for crashing the performance instead of taking it like a businessman.
Kick that rapping moron off the stage. Megadeth is fucking sick and will FOREVER have more cred and talent than any dude that looks like he spends more time in the gym than making music. I'd be pissed if I was Dave too. Dont get on stage while they are playing, that just rude and stupid.
I think my life would have been just a little better had I never heard the name Mustaine.

Throw a bitch fit because someone else is playing 5 football fields away? Pull the plug on him? I'm glad the dude got some comical payback.

That said, hopping up on stage uninvited can be risky business these days.
Kick that rapping moron off the stage. Megadeth is fucking sick and will FOREVER have more cred and talent than any dude that looks like he spends more time in the gym than making music. I'd be pissed if I was Dave too. Dont get on stage while they are playing, that just rude and stupid.

Really? Phew....

It's a festival. The essence of a festival is that there are multiple acts.
If Megadeth doesn't like that, then don't play at a festival.

And what has talent or cred or fitness thas to do with it?? Is Megadeth a better band than Dream Theater because John Petrucci has muscles? :?

If Megadeth really asked to pull the plug on another act, they deserved to be made fun of, laughed at, whatever.
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