Matt at Steve Vai's

"Get that f****** thing out of my f****** way, NO I don't eat donuts. I don't f****** eat donuts. I don't like f****** donuts"

^--- Yngwie Malmsteen quote. T-shirt anyone? :p


Well, good thing Yngwie don't like f****** donuts because that's just gross! Who f***s a donut anyway?

EDIT! I found another good one:

"anybody with a guitarpick around? You know my middle name is 'where the f*** is a guitar pick?' "

The guy is pure rock, if that's good or bad is up to you to decide :p
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See! Yngwie has some lefties! Waay at the bottom of the pile - just throw a few of those 10k$ collector atrats off to the piles on the left and right and there they are.

My god! that is hilarious - I almost had a heart attack once when my sg slipped sideways onto the rug - Yngwie throws his guitars into that room like I throw my weed weasel into the garden shed before rushing off to the golf course. Hopefully Steve, Brian, Neal ... don't see that video and get offended about how their gifts are treated.!! lol!
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Yngwie is such a tool!!! I like how Vai still uses the original Legacy.

+1,000,000,003 on MODELING THE LEGACY!!! Best lead sound I EVER had. Until my Ultra, and now my II... But if we can make it more betterer I'm all for it!!!
That is not an Ultra... it is a II, which he's had for some time. We were getting the rig ready for some NAMM shows, then the Experience Hendrix tour, and upcoming G3 shows.
This thread was in the Ultra board for a bit, so that's why I was wondering. Awesome to have your job Matt!
Use that shed pic to calm your wives from your
PS: how the hell did this turn into a yngwie and his love of f...donuts discussion doh (like most addicts, he now looks like a donut after kicking his habit....;) lol
Sorry about that train of yngwie. Train Malmsteen! The Yngwie Train! Sound pretty good..

Anyways, yeah back to thread. I wonder how Vai manage to choose a guitar to play on? I mean it's like a museum in there, only not old yet. Gallery maybe.

"I'll play that one, no wait, look at the shiny one over there! Wait.. That one is trying to get away!"

I wonder what he's using those micoramps for... The shower! Of course. *palm to forhead

I get a twitch looking at the les pauls and prs's, they don't fit with the whole..eeh.. Ahh let him play them, yeah let him play them too.

I think Matt "M@" Mattcheal mattson makes a pretty strong statement in this photo, he would rather sit on the floor than on some drummers chair :mrgreen

No wait, I see what he's doing. He found himself a M@ to sit on. m@ happy, m@ find m@ to sit on. <3 m@ @ m@

Awesome room! Nice guitars! I can feel the VAIbe in there!
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I have an original Legacy I'll indefinitely loan to Cliff and Co. if they model it.
I live an hour away FWIW. It doesn't have stock tubes (JJ EL34Ls) but is otherwise stock.
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