MATRIX NL12 (Neo Light) Unboxing Review Video (SOLOAWEEK)

maybe try a filter block
place it after the amp
set it to high shelf
freq at 7515
try a Q between 0.3 and 0.4 and then start dropping the gain

Will try it, thanks. Would love to be able to use this given the weight if I can dial out the ice pick.
I cranked up the NL12s on a great stage at a show on Friday night. Everyone in the band immediately remarked on how great they sounded at soundcheck and several people in the crowd came up after the show to ask what kind of cabs I was using. Great live sound.

Cooper - if you get a chance to elaborate... would love to hear more about your experience in this live gig setting.. particularly regarding your use of CAB sims on or off (or both like the video) and why...

Thanks again...
Will try it, thanks. Would love to be able to use this given the weight if I can dial out the ice pick.

you can also try using the amp:eq page [which is what I did with the NL12]
cut the 2k a little, and the 4k and 8k bands a little more strongly
this will save you some grid real-estate

the thing with the NL12's is that having all those strong highs is an advantage cos you can cut them if you wish..
which is far better than boosting the life out of something that it's really there..
Hi Cooper,
So here we are a few days later. I have a question: How do you now use these cabs: Sims on or off? Meaning, when you play one of your old patches, Luke stuff or such, do you leave sims on or are you going pure cab only? What do you like best?
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