Marshall PED802 Dual Footswitch


Hi all! New Ultra owner here!

While waiting for the MFC-101 to be available, I thought I'd try using my Marshall PED802 dual footswitch from my old Marshal Valvestate 8080 to toggle presets.

It looks like this:

except it has Channel and Chorus written on it instead, but I imagine that internally it's
the same thing.

This device has a stereo 1/4'' jack, so I'd've thought that plugging it into one of the pedal inputs on the back of the Axe, I'd be able to use _one_ of the footswitches on the device. I went to the I/O panel, and set both pedal inputs to latching, and, I've configured the input where I've connected the device to
do preset inc. I've set preset start to 1, and preset end to 4.

The device has a LED per channel. Stomping on the switches, the light of the rightside switch toggles on/off. The left switch doesn't do anything, but that was what I expecting. So, I can tell that the circuit of the rightside switch is indeed closing/opening, and the Axe is powering the LED.
Trouble is, the presets don't change. Bummer.

What am I doing wrong? Would it be expected that this would work, or perhaps I would need to do some surgery on the cable/jack? Maybe with a stereo -> dual mono Y splitter this would work?
I tried that same thing with a Vox dual footswitch...

With a stereo->dual mono footswitch, I could get one side to work - if I pressed it twice... not once, but twice.

Couldn't get both sides to work..
Y-cable should work, but it should work without one too. Set the "pedal type" to momentary or latching, whichever type the switch is. I suspect latching. [I/O] button -> [pedal] menu.
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