Mark V 4 Cable Method


I have been fighting trying to get this to work with my Mark V since I received my XL. I swear I had it working with the 18 beta firmware, but swear things changed with 18.04 (i realize that's probably not possible, but it seems that way).
Anyway, here is what I have done and it seems to work well, should anyone ever need it for future reference.

Output1 and Output2 dials all the way to the right for Unity Gain.
Mark V Effects Loop Send Level to 12 O'clock
Mark V Master Volume level ~12 O'clock
Mark V Channel Masters ~8 O'Clock

This seems to work pretty well (for me). Also, the Boost/Pad in the I/O menu didn't seem to have much of a perceivable effect when boosting to +12db or +0db.

Any comments/opinions appreciated/welcomed.
You're right - the boost/pad won't make much of a noticeable difference but it will improve the signal/noise ratios. My advice is leave it at +12db
You've got the outputs right (I also run mine at unity gain) - also check your input volumes in the I/O menu. Input 1 & 2 need to be at least 50% or you may notice some tone degrading
That's exac how I used to run my MkV - I loved the sound but the settings change quite dramatically depending on your master and chan volume on the Boogie. I set up my volumes first by plugging the axe into the front of the boogie and A/B with the guitar direct, then setting the axe in the send/return of the amp - and connecting/disconnecting to get the volume the same (axe set to unity), I used the Axe edit software to adjust levels etc....
If I played with a medium volume band the sound was fine, but if I played with a loud band my clean sound would suffer a bit (little bit gritty), not the Axe fault, but it's the way the Boogie works with its send/return.
Although going straight into the boogie isn't really 4CM. The advantage of 4CM is it lets you use some of the model overdrives in the AFX in front of the Boogie, then get the Boogie preamp, then some of the modulation / time based FX in the AFX, then back to the Boogie's power section.
You're right - the boost/pad won't make much of a noticeable difference but it will improve the signal/noise ratios. My advice is leave it at +12db
You've got the outputs right (I also run mine at unity gain) - also check your input volumes in the I/O menu. Input 1 & 2 need to be at least 50% or you may notice some tone degrading

I don't think there is any way I can get input 2 up to 50%. That one has to come down quite a bit or else I get some bad clipping.
Although going straight into the boogie isn't really 4CM. The advantage of 4CM is it lets you use some of the model overdrives in the AFX in front of the Boogie, then get the Boogie preamp, then some of the modulation / time based FX in the AFX, then back to the Boogie's power section.

I'm not going straight into the Boogie. I am running 4cm.
It is one of the led's on the front panel....I can't remember which one. I'll have to check and get back to you.
please do, because one means output clipping, which would not indicate input overload.

Chris, I must have been thinking of some other situation where I was having clipping issues.
Tonight I turned input 1 and 2 to about 75%, and the boost/pad on both outputs to +12db.
No clipping or any other issues...... Also I could swear that tonight is best my rig has ever sounded ......
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