Made some Axe Fx II vs Kemper videos (have both, like both)

Hey all, made some axe fx II vs kemper videos

I have both, really like both, and wanted to show the strengths and weaknesses of both.

Here is one just comparing some high gain metal tones. I used my own third part cabs (Killer Tone Cabs) to keep that the same so you can hear just the general tonal differences.

Here is an overview video between the 2

And here is one comparing the software between the two

I have hours of footage comparing the two which i never released. I compared everything, reverb, delay, modulations, pitch, drives, compressor and of course the amp modelling. I'll watch your video soon, I'm computerless at the moment :)
I'm curious about the differences in tone shaping between the two; i.e., how the tone stacks and drive react in the KPA since it's a profile.
Disclaimer i don't own a kemper

however both sounded good,

Its just a tool in the end, both can achieve great things, both can be abused

It would be like arguing colors to another painter, my color is more colory than yours

However, since nothing was compared to the real thing, there is no basis for comparison, only what the differences between them are, and it all sounded legit to me
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