Love my new Axe FX XL+, but I'm hearing random clicks or crackles...


I've done my best to troubleshoot and research the problem, and I don't think it's related to any metronome bleed-through, nor is it a USB or audio interface issue, as I can hear it with multiple sets of headphones connected directly to the Axe FX without anything else connected. I've tried different power outlets (always connected through a Furman conditioner) and have tried standing near and far to no avail. I have the latest firmware, and just received it direct from Fractal last Thursday.

It's a low volume click or crackle that's sporadic and just happens often enough to be distracting. In trying to replicate it intentionally, it seems that it happens most often (or rather it's most noticeable) in the quiet space right after, say, a palm mute.

I was able to make a short 15 sec. recording in which it happens a few times, and I was hoping that you guys might be able to help me figure out what it is. You may need to turn the volume up a bit, as I didn't want to make the recording excessively loud, but you should be able to hear it immediately after the palm mutes.

Thanks in advance for any help -- this has put a bit of a damper on my otherwise fantastic experience with the Axe FX!

Just to clarify: no USB was connected when doing this recording?

Pedobear is that you?
ewwwww "fanny" is a dirty word. asking for a real buggering that bunny. pedobear there looks to be giving him one.
Just to clarify: no USB was connected when doing this recording?

It actually was connected during that recording, but I've disconnected the USB several times previously to confirm that it has no effect and the clicks are still present.
It actually was connected during that recording, but I've disconnected the USB several times previously to confirm that it has no effect and the clicks are still present.
Have you tried without the Furman? Also, ruled out possible environmental issues by going into a different room?
It almost sounds like a spark to me... like with static electricity.
Have you tried without the Furman? Also, ruled out possible environmental issues by going into a different room?
It almost sounds like a spark to me... like with static electricity.

It does sound sparkish. That's a good idea to try it without the Furman in a different room. I had tried a different outlet, but not another room. I'm about to hit the sack, but I'll give that a try tomorrow and report back. Thanks for your help!
Are you running under %90 CPU? It may be caused by high CPU usage.

An excellent question, but yes. I'm just using the factory presets, and it's more noticeable on the clean presets. That recording I made, for instance, was with the USA Clean stock preset.
Sounds like a sample rate issue!

That's what it reminded my of as well! I also play digital piano, and that clicks are reminiscent of the glitches I encounter when streaming huge piano samples from a hard drive that's not quite up to the task.
Any idea how I can fix it, or does it suggest a hardware issue?
I doubt it's an AxeFX hardware issue.. more of a config issue..IMHO
Go into the ASIO driver (assuming Windoze box) and adjust the sample rate... it might be set to "safe" or other value.
You might be able to adjust that rate thru your DAW software.
There's a trick/skill to adjusting it..
First play with the same preset through a headphone jack from the front of the Axe-Fx. Do you still hear the same clicks? If you still hear the clicks, then I would agree to try the unit in a different room and wall socket. If you continue to hear the clicks, then use Fractal Bot to perform a full backup of your presets, user cabs and system and then reinstall the firmware. If you continue to hear clicks, open a support ticket.

If you don't hear the clicks when you play through headphones, then the problem is being created somewhere in the signal chain, but my outlook is that it is caused by too low a buffer setting. Try opening the Asio control panel and selecting the next highest buffer size option available. If the clicks stop, then this is your problem. On the plus side, that will stop the problem, but the downside with higher buffer settings is that it introduces latency, which is the time between when you pick a note and the time you hear it coming out of your computer speakers.
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