Looking into purchasing, but need advice.

Hi all,

Been looking into possibly getting an Axe-FX. My only experience with digital is practice amps and DAW (Line 6, Fender GDEC, Roland Cube, Main Stage/Logic), and seeing that most of the artists/players that play axe-fx LOVE it, I'm more intrigued.

My reasons to buy are:
- Ditching a significant number of pedals I don't use/use occasionally (sick of the clutter).
- Ability to practice quietly and not bug the neighbors, and be satisfied with sound/tone
- Being able to pick up and go jam w/out lugging my Shiva combo around

My questions to you:
- Can I use the Axe-FX as just effects for my combo?
- Is the Axe-FX just a preamp or can it be used as an amp?
- I dig fuzz pedals. Are there fuzz faces in the Axe-FX and do they sound real?
- How does Axe-FX play with pedals?
- Can I plug straight in with headphones and practice quietly?
- Is it easy to use, or does one have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to use it?
- Finally, which do you recommend? Axe-FX II or a used Ultra?

I appreciate any help/advice. I'm just really confused about what this thing actually is and does. :?

yes, you can use it just for effects.
It is just a preamp. It does poweramp modeling, but you still need some sort of amplification for it.
The Fuzzes are good, I prefer a couple of the real things SUF Violet Rams head, Fuzz factory, but I use the built in Fuzzes as well.
It takes pedals well
yes , it has a headphone out.
It can be a little daunting at first, but if you keep things simple and are willing to learn a little, it is not hard to get started. You can go as shallow or as deep as you wish.
Axe-fx II most definitely, it is a different beast.
se pensi di non potere fare a meno del tuo combo è in arrivo l'unità FX8 per il 4CM... io da quando ho preso l'axe FX II XL il combo non lo uso proprio più. per ora uso solo le cuffie poi vedrò il da farsi! avendo così tanti amplificatori e casse modellate perchè accontentarsi di un combo.... scegli comunque un axe fx II è molto più semplice perchè da axe change trovi molti preset di altri e "impari" molto più velocemente a utilizzare l'unità, ha l'uscita cuffie e ha una fedeltà superiore

quick translation

if you think you cannot play without your combo is coming the unit FX8 for the 4CM. since I took the axe FX II XL I don't use my combo anymore, just use headphones then I will see what to do! having so many amps and speakers modeled why settle for a combo .... however if you choose an axe fx II is much easier because axe change has many user presets to copy and paste so you can "learn" much faster how to use the unit, it has the 'headphone output and higher fidelity rather than the Ultra, firmware updatings and so on....
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Grazie Diego!
Avevo le stesse idee, che risparmierò invece di avere tutti sti pedali. L'altra cosa è che suono dopo le 19 ed invece di fare tanto rumore, potrei usare le cuffie.
Secondo te, vale la pena comprarne uno nuovo, oppure da seconda mano? I miei sono emigrati dalla Sicilia a San Diego nel 1970, ecco perché parlo italiano ;)

Thanks Javajunkie as well for the advice. I'm still unsure whether or not to purchase new or used. I may also wait till the FX-8 comes out.
That's great Salvatore!

Now the mark II is in stock, only 200 bucks more and you can have it brand new.. so it's your choice and your savings!! with the axe you can play many different amps with backing tracks and record too using headphones.. no headphones with the FX8 but you have the foot controller and is cheaper.... so it's hard to buy one..... my neighbors made my choice really.... they want me with headphone so the XL arrived :D
Conto di darti presto il benvenuto nella famiglia Fractal!!!

G'day & Welcome!

- Can I use the Axe-FX as just effects for my combo?
Yes - but dont!.. Use a FRFR powered or unpowered with a power amp and use the amp emulations in the axe fx.
- Is the Axe-FX just a preamp or can it be used as an amp?
Just a pre amp - But emulates amps incredibly well.
- I dig fuzz pedals. Are there fuzz faces in the Axe-FX and do they sound real?
There are many options for fuzz/distortion
- How does Axe-FX play with pedals?
Very well.. you'll probably end up with a MIDI pedal in the end.
- Can I plug straight in with headphones and practice quietly?
Yes - for HOURS (And you will)
- Is it easy to use, or does one have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to use it?
Relatively easy for something so versatile. You can get pretty deep but you dont have to to get excellent results
- Finally, which do you recommend? Axe-FX II or a used Ultra?
Latest and greatest - Always. You think of the money ONCE - then you live with your purchase.

Just get one.. If you don't like it, you can probably selll with minimal loss after a few mnonths but you will keep it. I cannot beleive what the Axe FX II has done for my studio fun.

I'd echo what Pauly said.

AXE FX II + a powered monitor (My choice was the Atomic CLR. I got 2 of them for stereo sound.)

Spend time in this forum. There is tons of info in here. Search around, and check out the recordings. This rack unit does it all, and does it well.
Grazie Diego!
Avevo le stesse idee, che risparmierò invece di avere tutti sti pedali. L'altra cosa è che suono dopo le 19 ed invece di fare tanto rumore, potrei usare le cuffie.
Secondo te, vale la pena comprarne uno nuovo, oppure da seconda mano? I miei sono emigrati dalla Sicilia a San Diego nel 1970, ecco perché parlo italiano ;)

Thanks Javajunkie as well for the advice. I'm still unsure whether or not to purchase new or used. I may also wait till the FX-8 comes out.[/QUOTE
Hey Sal I'm first generation sicilian. what part of siciliy your fam from. I have a house in castrofilippo 20 minutes from agrigento
Gee, thanks everyone! I appreciate the answers/advice.

Cgraci, my folks are from a small village called Porticello, provincia di Palermo. Most of the Sicilians in San Diego are from Palermo, Porticello, Santa Flavia, Aspra and Bagheria, then some from near Trapani. I spent a week in San Leone back in 94 and visited valle dei templi. I love Agrigento, Sicilia e L'Italia. Been too long since I been though. :/ 6 years away is too long.
That's great Salvatore!

Now the mark II is in stock, only 200 bucks more and you can have it brand new.. so it's your choice and your savings!! with the axe you can play many different amps with backing tracks and record too using headphones.. no headphones with the FX8 but you have the foot controller and is cheaper.... so it's hard to buy one..... my neighbors made my choice really.... they want me with headphone so the XL arrived :D
Conto di darti presto il benvenuto nella famiglia Fractal!!!


Si, ho un Bogner Shiva appena comprato, ed e' 80w!!! Ogni tanto lo scateno pero i vicini si arrabiano :D I sold a Two-Rock and bought the Bogner Shiva again (I love that amp). Every once in a while I let loose but the neighbors get pissed :D. Trying to sell a 1966 Supro combo to help finance the Axe-FX.
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