Looking forward to 16.3!!

I hope more of the effects algorithms get some love like the reverb. It's like getting more toys for Christmas!
Not sarcastic at all. Cliff mentioned somewhere that he might add this model soon!
I also hope Cliff also removes some old cabs to replace with some good UR cabs!
Forward is the way to go!


I only use UR at this point, so most of the factory cabs are just wasted space. Out with the old, in with the new!

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Just make the amps sound better. I've heard of a few very knowledgable people switching back to tube amps in conjunction with a Two Notes Torpedo Live (although of that group most have kept the Axe-FX II for whatever reason, FX, play live, more options, etc.). I haven't tested this kind of set-up but I did recently play a Mesa Boogie Mark V 25 with a rectifier 1x12 and Theile front ported 1x12 and it was crushing. I could get better sounds to tape than I can with the Axe-FX although that could certainly be a lack of skill on my part dialing in presets. I've spent some time recently using the Tone Match block and I've been able to increase the quality of my patches in some cases. No doubt the quality has improved in leaps and bounds but it's not all the way there as evidenced by how many people still prefer tube amps in the studio. I say all of this with mad love for Fractal and the Axe-FX.
Just make the amps sound better. I've heard of a few very knowledgable people switching back to tube amps in conjunction with a Two Notes Torpedo Live (although of that group most have kept the Axe-FX II for whatever reason, FX, play live, more options, etc.). I haven't tested this kind of set-up but I did recently play a Mesa Boogie Mark V 25 with a rectifier 1x12 and Theile front ported 1x12 and it was crushing. I could get better sounds to tape than I can with the Axe-FX although that could certainly be a lack of skill on my part dialing in presets. I've spent some time recently using the Tone Match block and I've been able to increase the quality of my patches in some cases. No doubt the quality has improved in leaps and bounds but it's not all the way there as evidenced by how many people still prefer tube amps in the studio. I say all of this with mad love for Fractal and the Axe-FX.

i don't think that the number of people who use amps in a studio vs how many use the Axe is a good indicator of quality or how far the Axe has come....it's just a matter of people having amps and cabs in their studios since the dawn of recording the electric guitar and comparatively the Axe is still in it's infancy. Musicians/engineers are also notoriously slow adopters when they have equipment and a workflow they are used to...no matter how good something is.

there is also a lot of negativity from those who haven't had experience with the Axe because of other, far more inferior modeling products. not to mention just the straight up gear snobs who'd never consider for a moment that the Axe could be as good or better....(tons of those idiots)

it's really their loss, but it still frustrates me a great deal more than it should. i personally haven't heard of that many people going amp into the Two Notes...but then I've never been impressed with the Two Notes at all. But if someone loves the way a specific amp sounds into the Two Notes and it gets them what they are after, more power to them...

(I'd still say that it comes down to tweaking and ir's)
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