Looking for this tone..

I'm REALLY sorry if this is the wrong spot to put this but I want to get an AXE FX III TURBO soon and i was just wondering (which im sure) if its possible to get this tone? i Do have an LP with P90s

any help and ideas what settings to use will be greatly appreciate and again, sorry if this post is in the wrong place.

All the best.
Sorry it seems I can't post links untill i have over 10 posts so on youtube .....

"Pick of the Day" - 1952 Gibson Les Paul and 1930s National Model B​

emerald city guitars

is the video/tone I am talking about
most definitely that can be replicated. its nothing complicated. only thing you might not get is the amp buzz. some people want that, some dont. you can honestly get better tone than that on the axe fx. i wouldnt mind demoing some amps for you that you might be interested in.

heres the list of amps and what they model
Thanks man, Yea usually i don't like hum and buzz but on this amp its charming. And yea you're right the tone is nothing that crazy but their is something charming about it. ill take a look at that list and yea dude if you wanna demo some amp modles thats cool dude. I appreciate that.
forsure! let me know dude! im not much of a jazz player but i have a riff i just cooked up for you to demo!
give me a list of amps and ill demo em for u!

I hear this and the first thing I think of are TI Jazz Swing Strings. I put them in my Penguin and a Strat they sound great and should make several clean amps in the fractal world sound like this.
Sounds like you need to use a 6 or 8 inch speaker IR to get that vibe with a P90.

That combination with a tweed, Supro, or Swart amp should get that sound easily.

You could always tone match some 60 cycle hum if you want to get crazy.
Sounds like you need to use a 6 or 8 inch speaker IR to get that vibe with a P90.

That combination with a tweed, Supro, or Swart amp should get that sound easily.

You could always tone match some 60 cycle hum if you want to get crazy.
The speaker in the video is actually a 12" speaker...
forsure! let me know dude! im not much of a jazz player but i have a riff i just cooked up for you to demo!
give me a list of amps and ill demo em for u!
"That combination with a tweed, Supro, or Swart amp should get that sound easily."

how about these? or even a vox?

I plan on getting the axe fx its just a matter of when (currently scared of making the purchase)

Also, I wanna thank all of you for helping me out on this. It's a simple tone but their is something to this that I feel is magical in a sense. It just has this really plesant tone. Thanks again.
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