Looking for some FRFR speaker experiences and advice.


New Member
Hi everyone.

I am a proud I new Axe FXII owner and am looking for a little advice.

I am running FRFR from the Axe to a Carvin DCM 2000LX amp then to a set of Carvin PM12 monitors that I had already owned. Although I am in the "getting to know" stage with the Axe I can't say that I am so far displeased with what I am getting so far in terms of tone...but sometimes you don't know what you are missing.

My question to anyone with experience is about my speaker selection. I am running primarily in my home studio and the PM12 speakers I am using don't sound bad. However I notice that many people are running the Atomic CLR speakers in their FRFR setup and I can't help but wonder if I would do better with those.

I was wondering if anyone has experience with the PM12 vs the CLR or could offer their thoughts on which direction I should be looking, if any.
based on all the rave reviews, if I were starting from scratch, I would definitely check out the CLRs. I'm using a QSC K12 and am pretty happy with, plus it's got a second channel in it so I can run a vocal monitor mix in it as well, which is handy. In the end if you're going into FOH of wherever you're playing, you're at the mercy of their sound system.

TL;DR: QSC K12 good, CLR hype suggests it's better.
Compare the frequency response. The flatter the graph the better. If there is only a minimal difference then no need to change.
Big difference between CLR and K series. I have a K10, and it is not even a close contest between the two. No hype, just fact. They sound significantly different. Some may prefer the murky mids and hyped highs and lows of the K series, but for me I vastly preferred the CLR. For PA FOH, and for a guitar monitor. I have had several people want to hear the comparison, and they all just shake their heads and say something like: "I knew they would be different, but I had no idea how much different. There is no comparison, the CLR wins without question". With subs, the CLR make a KILLER FOH setup. They are clear and natural sounding. When someone sings, it sounds like they are "in the room with you" they sound so natural. And the CLR's can get really loud too :eek:) Absolutely killer speaker systems. They do have two inputs, but there is no mic preamp, so you would need a mixer (or mic preamp) to run a mic through one. I have not heard the Carvin, but due to the popularity of the K series, I have doubts that the Carvin is much better than the K series.
So far it seems if you are using the axe fx predominantly in a small studio that generally some would go with a smaller speaker set up than something like the CLR or the PM12.

Unfortunately I can't seem to find a resource to see a response curve for the PM12 but I am starting to wonder if this is going to be another "you just have to try it" scenarios when it comes to the CLR. As the PM12 seems to work at this point I have no frame of reference to determine weather the CLR would make enough difference to justify the $1500 outlay for two speakers in my home studio.

At some point when I got conformable with the Axe I wouldn't mind taking it out as well but I have to then ask if people here use two different setups when not using the house PA.. One for home and one for the road perhaps?

I'm not trying to over complicate my situation here just trying to decide if the CLR will yield a significantly better sonic result than my current Carvin speaker set up.
I believe there is a grace period when you buy an Atomic CLR. Try it and if you're not 100% satisfied, you can send it back for a full refund. I have the active series CLR and it sounds phenomenal but then again, it's an individual preference with what anyone is looking for when it comes to sound.
i can tell you a pair of RCF NX12SMA's will cost you quite a bit ($2400-ish) but god do they sound good. I run an NX12 with an NX10 and I wish I had just went with a second NX12 instead of the 10. But it still sounds great.
I have both Adam A77x monitors and a pair of CLR active cabs in my music room at home. I rarely turn on the A77x's, the CLRs are so much more satisfying to my ears. The CLRs are worth auditioning!
If you like what is coming Out of your speakers, why change it? the FRFR-Shootout at the German Axefest 2013 has shown, that a good FRFR-Speaker don't has to be expensive at all. and if you are a bedroom Player, I also would suggest good Nearfields like the Adam's....
My vote goes to the CLR, best system by far that I've ever used, and I've tried quite a few including stuff priced at 2.5 times the price of the CLR's.
Has anyone here compared a Matrix Q12A against a CLR? I have the Matrix but always wondered if CLR is better or about the same.
I wish comparing audio gear "on paper" was as easy as comparing charts and data sheets.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. Two are the main issues here:

  1. you don't have any assurance that data are coherent across products. How have they been measured? What are they showing? And what are they hiding?
    Mr. Mitchell has said more than once that certain data sheets are just fake. This is more probable, the less the relative hardware is likely to be (or to have been) measured by independent sources.
  2. Simple data as amplitude response, average power and peak power (the most common shown data), provided they're realistic, are not enough to show how a cab really "sounds". Many other parameters contribute to the overall sound, which would in most cases show up with other measurements. But you have to be able to "interpret" their meaning then.

My advice would be: trust your ears. Not because they're measure-proof, but just because they are not. No matter how good a product is, as long as it serves the purpose of playing an instrument, if you like it, use it.

Discussing about the CLRs, for example, you sometimes hear people saying they do not like them. In these cases, IMO, it's no use to show them how superior the product is on paper (when it's the case): most probably, they don't like them just because the cabs' response is more linear than the one of the product they are comparing them with, when they (the users) feed them (the cabs) with their usual signal.
So my philosophy is: let everyone be happy with what they hear, as long as they do not try to support their preferences with incorrect statements. If they do, correct them if you can, but never bash their preferences.

If this makes any sense :)
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Has anyone here compared a Matrix Q12A against a CLR? I have the Matrix but always wondered if CLR is better or about the same.

Yes, I've tried a CLR - found it to be somewhat lacking in highs or clearness compared to the Q12s. I've also A/B'd the Q12s against our Ev powered PA and they are nearly bang on. I love the Q12s they simply sound amazing.
Well after more or less giving myself a headache from ingesting multitudes of sources and opinions I decided to give the CLR option a try and placed an order for a pair of passive wedges for my studio set up.

A lot of people have traveled this road before me and it seems the satisfaction lies with the CLR. That being said, I will definitely agree that if you have a setup that gets you results - why change it for the sake of change. In the end it is your ears that are the judge.
I have a matrix 12 wedge for sale if your interested. When I had the axe fx I used the wedge powered by a peavey classic 50/50. Sounded great. I sold the axe but if I still owned it I would definitely go frfr.

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Hey Cainer - I just bought a CLR....its on the way...and Ive been rocking a QSC K12 since awhile ago. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hey Everyone,

I try not to post too many things (not wanting to come off as spamming or too much promoting) but we feel we have a great solution in our AccuGroove FRFR cabs ... here is a very recent video I shot in Sound Garage studios that talks about our cabs in length:

Contact AccuGroove FRFR Speakers

Click on the link and mention you are Fractal Forum member for preferred pricing.
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i can tell you a pair of RCF NX12SMA's will cost you quite a bit ($2400-ish) but god do they sound good. I run an NX12 with an NX10 and I wish I had just went with a second NX12 instead of the 10. But it still sounds great.

These pop up for sale used fairly often. I bought mine here for $850 and am quite content.
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