Looking for Boulder CO A2 Guru to hire


Hi, I'm in Boulder CO and I would like to find a local guitarist/Axe enthusiast who can help me get a better handle on programming and as well, on some strange issues I'm having with my MFC / Mission pedals not ever being seen by the Axe 2.

If your what I'm looking for, are close by, and you really know your way around the Axe, I don't mind paying for your time.

I'll be responding by Monday if there is anyone out here / there ;-]]
Thanks all,
Just saw this! Let me know if you're still around Boulder. While I'm not a "guru" I am an enthusiast and have successfully hooked up a Mission SP2, a Roland EV5, and a few Boss FS6 pedals to my rig. Either way it might be great just to swap patches/notes.
I'm in Fort Collins. I've got quite a bit of time under the hood... I'm sure we can get you up and running in no time. It's pretty simple once you wrap your head around it. Simple. And endless. :) PM me for my cell number.
Last time I checked, Denver area had the most Fractal saturation than any other place. But that was a couple of years ago...no doubt that has changed.

Which means it's time for another Rocky Mountain Axe Fest...
Last time I checked, Denver area had the most Fractal saturation than any other place. But that was a couple of years ago...no doubt that has changed.
Dunno if it has "saturation" in terms of number of users but it does have a number of guys who have tons of experience bending the magic black box to their will.
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