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Longest time between updates for the FM3...is this it?


Fractal Fanatic
I know that the III and FM9 treatment is coming. Just curious if this was longest space between updates for the FM3? Last was mid August.
And you are basing this on what?
You know how the FM3 is kinda small? Can't fit many more amps or effects in there, it's already pretty full.
Think About It GIF by Identity
You know how the FM3 is kinda small? Can't fit many more amps or effects in there, it's already pretty full.
Speculating is fun but people have been foretelling the imminent demise of the 3 probably since Cygnus. So to answer my question your post is based on your speculation.
Just wondered if I'd missed an official announcement but apparently not.

EDIT: I erroneously responded to @Aleksi making fun of the speculation! Nice post!
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Speculating is fun but people have been foretelling the imminent demise of the 3 probably since Cygnus. So to answer my question your post is based on your speculation.
Just wondered if I'd missed an official announcement but apparently not. :rolleyes:
I'm not the poster who posted the post you quoted in you post, the poster who posted the post you quoted in your post was Joshua_L.

My post was simply making fun of the baseless speculation.
I'm not the poster who posted the post you quoted in you post, the poster who posted the post you quoted in your post was Joshua_L.

My post was simply making fun of the baseless speculation.
Touche' and my apologies!

Gold star for you! ⭐
If it wasn't practically possible to bring gapless to FM3, that would be one thing.

But gapless is the first feature that could possibly disincentivize someone from getting FM9 over FM3.

I doubt Fractal would intentionally withhold a feature from FM3 for business reasons (I've seen no history of this).

Just a thought.
If it wasn't practically possible to bring gapless to FM3, that would be one thing.

But gapless is the first feature that could possibly disincentivize someone from getting FM9 over FM3.

I doubt Fractal would intentionally withhold a feature from FM3 for business reasons (I've seen no history of this).

Just a thought.
I would imagine that they also want to sell as many FM3's as they can.
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