FM9 Livin on a Prayer - Talkbox with no Expression Pedal (with Free Preset)

Johan Allard

Power User
About 6 years ago I created an preset for Livin on a Prayer using my Ax8 and a Expression Pedal to control the talkbox. On Saturday I played a gig as a substitute guitar player and Livin on a Prayer was on the setlist so I took some time to update the preset for my FM9, and updated it to work without an Expression Pedal as well as I don't use one live any more, and added some other goodies as well. The preset is attached. Enjoy!



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I am using just the EV-2 pedal in pedal 1
how should I set up S2 to mimic the talk box?
You could remove the sequencer and replace that with the expression pedal if you really wanted to. If it was me though I would keep the Talkbox thingy I created and instead attached the EV-2 to the Wah block and not used Scene 3 and 5 in my preset.

If you're dead set on using your expression pedal to control the talkbox I would probably recommend starting with another preset that's already using an expression pedal. Like the one I did for the Ax8 6 years ago.
Cool vid.

What cat breed are the two on the upper part of the bed @ around 1:30 in the vid?

/edit/ Think I found it. California Spangled?
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Hey Johan,

I am trying to incorporate the filter/formnt thing in another preset. However I dont manage to get the sequencing thing going? I copy the blocks, assigned the specific controls to input > sequencer, but the sequencer doesn't start/move. What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks for your advice and help!
Hey Johan,

I am trying to incorporate the filter/formnt thing in another preset. However I dont manage to get the sequencing thing going? I copy the blocks, assigned the specific controls to input > sequencer, but the sequencer doesn't start/move. What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks for your advice and help!
If you look in the video for an explanation I start the sequencer using a control switch that gets turned on with a scene change. There's many ways to do this. You could run the sequencer all the time and just turn the block on and off. You can assign the control switch to a foot switch if you want, or attach another controller to the sequencer start.
About 6 years ago I created an preset for Livin on a Prayer using my Ax8 and a Expression Pedal to control the voicebox. On Saturday I played a gig as a substitute guitar player and Livin on a Prayer was on the setlist so I took some time to update the preset for my FM9, and updated it to work without an Expression Pedal as well as I don't use one live any more, and added some other goodies as well. The preset is attached. Enjoy!

Thank you for this, sounds great.

Can I ask what the filter block is doing? I know you said you got it from an old preset and I can see that some of the controls are tied to the sequencer, but if I bypass the block there isn't any noticeable difference?

Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything
Thank you for this, sounds great.

Can I ask what the filter block is doing? I know you said you got it from an old preset and I can see that some of the controls are tied to the sequencer, but if I bypass the block there isn't any noticeable difference?

Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything
That block is actually lifted from a preset Matt Picone created that adds a bit of movement to the sound when engaged. If you don't like it or hear it, feel free to disable/remove. From memory it's tied to an LFO. It's the talkbox that's assigned to the sequencer.
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