Live experience, on tour with Cynic


As some of you might know I'm playing guitar for a band called Cynic. We recently did a European tour where both me and the other guitar player were using our Axe-FXs.
We set up all our patches so that output 2 was going out to our poweramp feeding a normal 4x12" cab and output 1 was going DI to the PA with the cab sim on. The traditional setup was for monitoring purposes only. This worked really well! No bad micing headaches, no worries about what cab you're going to get with shows where you can't bring your own cab, and most importantly: each night the exact same killer sound! Other then that everything worked out great with the Axe. It sounds killer in a live environment, like expected. And it's great to only bring a small 4 space rack yet have all the sounds and versatility that the Axe delivers.

Here's some youtube clips, horrible quality but you get the idea. There are plenty of other clips if you search for Cynic 2008.
That's really awesome that you're playing with Cynic! I have been into those guys since my brother showed them to me about 15 years ago... I think? That music is pretty much stand-out, even today.

I see a lot of ENGL stacks on the stage... were you using the Energyball sim in the Axe-Fx? Care to go over your patches at all? :)
Tymon said:
As some of you might know I'm playing guitar for a band called Cynic.

Cool! I will see you in October at ProgPower then!
That's than the first time I will see the axe on stage.

All I will say is please put out the new album soon. I want to hear a studio version of Evolutionary Sleeper.
james... said:
All I will say is please put out the new album soon. I want to hear a studio version of Evolutionary Sleeper.
From what I hear/read the album comes out this October. I'm completely psyched. It sounds like it'll be every bit as epic and unique-sounding as Focus.
Thanks for the nice words :)

Finaldo: the model we use for our heavy sounds is usually the Solo100 model. Though I recently switched to the Euro2 model for my default heavy sound, curiously enough. I like how raw and alive this model sounds, really dynamic . The Solo100 is great too, a little more precise and to the point. I'm currently recording guitars for my own band's (Exivious) debut album and I'm using the Euro2 for all heavy stuff. For clean stuff I usually don't use any amp or cab sims, just pure effects: compression, detune, multidelay, verb.

Scott: Thanks, I'm the long (exploded) haired one.

Marco: See you at ProgPower!
Hey Tymon,
great show yesterday in Munich! And great sound. You told me about the Euro2 and I am curious to check this sim out. I'm still exploring my unit.

Thanks for the signature!
Hi Tymon,
I just got my copy of Traced in Air. Sounds great. Did you guys use Axe FX on the album also?

AdamCook said:
Hi Tymon,
I just got my copy of Traced in Air. Sounds great. Did you guys use Axe FX on the album also?


Cool, thnx man! Basically everything except the main rhythm distortion is Axe-FX. And then there's some heavy rhythm stuff that's Axe-FX aswell.
Tymon congratulations for the last CD : D
I could listen The Space For This and Evolutionary Sleeper during hours in repeat mode
sounds great mate

i'm about to start running the same DI/poweramp and cab setup like you guys

Do you boost your hi gain sounds with a drive patch at all?
Do you both run mono to 1 side of the PA each?

We run stereo to the PA, sounds way better with all the detune/chorus stuff and all other stereo sounds we're using.

My basic distortion patch doesn't have a drive block in front. Just amp (euro2) > cab (my own bogner V30 impulses). With EMGs this works fine for me, Paul does have a drive block for his passive pickup equipped guitar.

That's one thing I really love about the Axe-FX, it sounds great without all these EQ/compression/whatever tricks you have to pull to make the other modelers sound half way decent.
cheers for the info!
yer i'm running with EMG's too... the sound seems to alway be fatter without the boost for me

i was thinking about running stereo when using fx but mono when using high gain.
this way, me and my other guitarist would be running one side of the PA each on high gain

or do you recommend i just run my high gain going through both sides of the PA too?

(my other guitarist runs mono for now)

thanks for the help
Hey Tymon,

Any particular reason you didn't use the Axe-FX for the main rhythm sounds? Could it not cut it?


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