Liquid-Foot Pro Survey


Dear All Users of Liquid-foot Pro would you please participate in this survey and post your comments about the product regarding the quality, functionality of the unit and customer service/support you have received from Jeff based on your experience.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
Excellent. Best Foot controller for my needs in existence. Customer support is excellent. Jeff is dedicated to continuous improvement based on users input. quality is excellent. Nothing but good to say.
I have had mine for around a month.

It is hands down the best controller I have ever used. (I have used the ART X-15, Lexicon MPX R1, Rocktron All Access...and Line 6 stuff but that doesn't really count.)

I have mine set up with two EB volume pedals as expression controllers and a Boss FL-5 (I believe is the model) for tap.

This controller does everything I can imagine, and then so much more. I had few hiccups when I was setting mine up and Jeff (Mr. Liquid-Foot himself) emailed me very promptly and even called my house to help me. When he called, which he did at my convenience, it seemed like I was the only person on his mind at the time. He let me take all the time I needed and walked me through a lot of programming functions I hadn't learned yet. Jeff takes the product very seriously and listens to people suggestions and bug reports. He fixes bugs as fast as Cliff fixes the Axe firmware, and has added some awesome features suggested by users. The one feature in particular that I love is the layer function, where each Instant Access switch can have 2 functions (Page 0 and Page 1) in essence the 16 IA buttons double and you now have 32 !! Before I had the Liquid-Foot I was using the Rocktron and was trying to decide how I wanted to compromise my switching, now I am trying to figure out how I am going to use all the switches. I love it.

To make a short story long...I love the liquid-foot as much (well almost) as the Axe-Fx. It opens up the Axe-Fx to be the most it can be. I don't regret my purchase one bit, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone. If you are thinking of spending a couple hundred I would save a few more bucks...if you are thinking of spending a thousand or yourself some money and get the better (IMHO) controller.

The only bummer about the whole thing, is Cliff has stated that the Axe Controller will be the only foot controller that will be able to utilize the Axe-Fx's tuner. I don't know if he will stick to that or not, but I am going to buy the Liquid-Tracks now so I can have a tuner on my board. I guess Cliff is going to force people to buy his controller if they want a tuner on the controller.
javajunkie said:
Excellent. Best Foot controller for my needs in existence. Customer support is excellent. Jeff is dedicated to continuous improvement based on users input. quality is excellent. Nothing but good to say.

What he said ^

I used a midimate, GC pro and sold my FX1 to buy this unit. No regrets!!! Made in the USA too! ;)
+1000 Jeff is great, the footcontroller is great, he is dedicated to making it
do things above and beyond what many will ever conceive programming-wise.
Recommended with no hesitation!!
I have had my LF for about two months and have played out with it several times now. It is very ruggedly built and has more features than I'll ever use. Jeff is very responsive to his flock and the updates come out regularly. There was a flock of them over the last month that added some cool features that have already been mentioned. The two layer switching on the IA switches is pretty damn cool. If you can't get it covered with 32 IA's then maybe this isn't the box for you. But for the form factor, there is a lot of functionality in there.

Of course, I would love to have the tuner show up on there but so far it has not proven to be a big deal. I just turn toward the rack and use the panel display on my Ultra which I have up high enough that I can see it well. I have no intention of changing controllers regardless of whose they are. You definitely owe it to yourself to give Liquid-Foot a go. Good stuff!
This is just my experience with Jeff and LF. I am a noob to programming midi, and need alot of help sometimes. Suppose I had a Digitech, Boss, Line 6, etc. foot controller or anything like it for that matter. If I emailed them telling of a problem that I was having do you think the owner of any of these companies would call me to walk me through it? How many would laugh their A%#es of saying, "Do you believe this guy? This is a funny guy. I f$%$^%n love this guy. Now, give me somebody that matters." Probably all of them. Not to mention that this footcontroller is the perfect tool for me to do what I want, with a little coaching. (Thanks to JavaJunky too). Plus, the programmability surpasses anything I have looked at or owned and is constantly being upgraded for free! Jeff and Cliff figured out what they would like as musicians and had the knowledge to build it. Then they offered it to us for a fair price for the capability. In other words, I love it.
Thank you all once again for your generous comments about Jeff dedication and customer service and the liquid-foot pro midi controller.

I second all of the positive statements above about Jeff and the Liquidfoot controller! Great service and great controller!
hi all, the LF seems to be a really cool product. But how is the "footling"? Is it easy and errorfree usable even with big feet? Until now, I'm using the Behringer-FCB-stuff (while waiting for the FAS-controller), and it happens rather often to me that I hit the wrong switch or two at once in the heat of playing live.

I've to get rid of the Behringer, because it is to limiting. So now I'm thinking about going for the LF or waiting for the FAS-stuff to come out.

What is your experience?

Thanks - Michael
Michael said:
hi all, the LF seems to be a really cool product. But how is the "footling"? Is it easy and errorfree usable even with big feet? Until now, I'm using the Behringer-FCB-stuff (while waiting for the FAS-controller), and it happens rather often to me that I hit the wrong switch or two at once in the heat of playing live.

I've to get rid of the Behringer, because it is to limiting. So now I'm thinking about going for the LF or waiting for the FAS-stuff to come out.

What is your experience?

Thanks - Michael

Spacing between buttons is good.
Michael said:
hi all, the LF seems to be a really cool product. But how is the "footling"? Is it easy and errorfree usable even with big feet? Until now, I'm using the Behringer-FCB-stuff (while waiting for the FAS-controller), and it happens rather often to me that I hit the wrong switch or two at once in the heat of playing live.

I've to get rid of the Behringer, because it is to limiting. So now I'm thinking about going for the LF or waiting for the FAS-stuff to come out.

What is your experience?

Thanks - Michael

No issues with the footing! I wearz a 10 1/2 shoe/boot!!! I stompele hard too!! :p
I haven't had any problems with spacing, I believe it is better than my Rocktron.

I think the Fractal controller will have spacing the same as the liquid-foot. I think it is 3" center to center.
gittarzann said:
I haven't had any problems with spacing, I believe it is better than my Rocktron.

I think the Fractal controller will have spacing the same as the liquid-foot. I think it is 3" center to center.

The Fractal controller will have tiered levels so that should help things even more.
the liquid foot is the BEST. there is not another controller that
even comes close, & the support is amazing, in the vein
of cliff & fractal. :ugeek:
Agree with everything said. I've only had mine for a few weeks but I can tell you it's a great product. It's really easy to get set up with the Axe-Fx but still provides the ability to control whatever you want. It's well thought out and continues to be improved regularly.
does anyone know if Jeff has sorted out the bollocks as far as shipping internationally yet??? ie to Australia...???
I just got my LF Pro over the Thanksgiving Day weekend. So, I have only had a few days with this sweet unit. I know it is going to change the way I use my foot controller!! I have NEVER had this much flexibility and I will need some time just to conceptualize how I can use it to it's fullest! There are really a ton of possibilities and I don't have any idea what I would do with 4, yes 4 expression pedals. I am amazingly excited about the link that this controller has with the Axe. Basically, it recognizes the Axe-FX and you simply choose that and download/upload everything. ONE CABLE!!!

OK, it took a bit of tweaking, yet really it was mostly in the user's guide. Jeff wrote me a couple of emails to help me with a question here or there, but otherwise, it was easy and I am NOT an expert midi guy.

I am looking forward to many great gigs with my LF Pro and continue to just be amazingly happy :mrgreen:
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