Liquid-Foot or Fractal Audio

Have you decided between Liquid-Foot & MFC?

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Some of the functionality of the Liquidfoot seems very interesting.
The physical size and weight of my rig is very important to me though.
(It's the main reason I use 8" FRFR speakers instead of 12")
Cliff's controller has everything I need and it's smaller. That seals it for me.
Mike Snider said:
MikEdge said:
I'm definitely keeping what I have, i.e. Gordius Little Giant, since I don't think any controller will beat it in near future. It's the best piece of gear I have ever owned.

I've got an LG as well.
I put myself on Cliffs list in the event I want to try it out. I like the idea of two way communication...but the flexibility and power of the LG is incredible. I guess we'll see.

Here, here!!!
+2 LG. The last update made it the ultimate foot-controller. I don't know of another more versatile controller out there.
I'l probably go for the FA device, since I'm in Europe, and can have service via G66.
Right now I'm having a Behringer.

Too soon to tell - I currently have an Axess Electronics FX-1 which is extremely powerful. I need the ability to send SysEx messages for IA switches. I have to control synths, a VG-99, and a switcher.
hippietim said:
Too soon to tell - I currently have an Axess Electronics FX-1 which is extremely powerful. I need the ability to send SysEx messages for IA switches. I have to control synths, a VG-99, and a switcher.
Doesn't the Liquid Foot do that? Did I miss that?
GuitarDojo said:
LF controller should be here tomorrow!!! :twisted:

*looks for UPS man* :twisted:
Whooohooo. I am jealous.... I am thinking this is probably the one I want.... ARGH!
GuitarDojo said:
LF controller should be here tomorrow!!! :twisted:

*looks for UPS man* :twisted:
I'm looking forward to reviews & opinions, especially with people connecting it to multiple pieces of gear since I have a similar setup to hippietim.
GuitarDojo said:
LF controller should be here tomorrow!!! :twisted:

*looks for UPS man* :twisted:

GuitarDojo, make sure you keep me posted as to your thoughts on the Liquid Foot.... I need to make a risky decision before Aug 15th. I am sure it's not that risky though as it's probably awesome... I wish I knew if Cliff had no intention on rivaling some of the features that the Liquid one has... I have the feeling he is targeting a different market.

My guess is this....

Liquid-Foot is competing for the FX1 users
Fractal Audio is competing for the All Access users

If that's the case I'll now which one is for me!
Guys, I have yet to figure out which footcontroller/s (Fractal, Axess or LiquidFoot) will allow me to do the following:

I want to store a wide selection of tones in the processor and program the sounds into the footcontroller so that when I bank up/down the available presets are the ones I need for one particular song at a time. (I guess you would call this Song Mode in the Axess pedal but I don't know whether Song Mode is the same as Bank Mode.) I need at least 30-40 songs/banks per set/show.

However... I don't want to duplicate tones/presets in the processor since that's memory wasted. So if I'm using a heavy rhythm tone on songs #1 and #2 I don't want to have to duplicate that preset in the processor. I want one set of sounds on the processor and the ability to choose any combination of these for each song/bank on the footcontroller (up to 6 presets per song/bank). It appears the FX1 can do this. What about the others?

I have read the manuals for all these controllers (up to a point) but since I don't own one yet and I don't own an Axe-Fx yet either I still find confusing this business of how presets are stored and managed in the footcontroller. I only have my G-System for reference whose preset/bank arrangement is fixed within the processor and merely operated from the pedalboard. (In the G-System, if I want a certain tone in songs #1 and #2 I have to save the preset into both banks... Wasted memory, IMO.)

Hope someone can help clarify.
So what is the liquid foot selling for? I think I would end up with the fractal audio version based on price assuming its the standard 10-20 percent below MSRP, however not being able to control multiple devices in a single patch might be a deal breaker.
Just so you know, I let go of my FX1 in anticipation of the FAS controller. The LF videos and the Midi controlled MP3 player peaked my curiousity.
So....I will be getting all 3! :twisted:
I was under the impression a midi controler set midi change messages only. As far as Im aware the controler doesnt store any patches, the master unit (Axe-FX in this case) does.

As the master units normally have a midi mapping function, its the master unit that "controles" all changes.

Not sure Im making myself clear, but FI,

The Midi foot controler will send patch change messages 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the first 4 banks - however, the master unit will react to those messages in any way you set them up - so it COULD turn on patch 1, 2, 3 and 4 - OR it could eaect and turn on patches 3, 7, 12 and 34. To that end it could also react by turning on the same patch for all 4 messages - depends how you program the master unit rather than teh controler.

Then again I may have it completly wrong - if so someone enlighten me.
paulmapp8306 said:
I was under the impression a midi controler set midi change messages only. As far as Im aware the controler doesnt store any patches, the master unit (Axe-FX in this case) does.

As the master units normally have a midi mapping function, its the master unit that "controles" all changes.

Not sure Im making myself clear, but FI,

The Midi foot controler will send patch change messages 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the first 4 banks - however, the master unit will react to those messages in any way you set them up - so it COULD turn on patch 1, 2, 3 and 4 - OR it could eaect and turn on patches 3, 7, 12 and 34. To that end it could also react by turning on the same patch for all 4 messages - depends how you program the master unit rather than teh controler.

Then again I may have it completly wrong - if so someone enlighten me.

Here is how most of them work.

A MIDI controller can control multiple devices at once. Not sure what you are getting at w/ the master unit.

The MIDI foot controller sends out commands. This can be program (patch) changes, Continous Controller Messages, system exclusive messages, et. al.

Midi foot controller does have patches/presets(whatever you want to call them).

Each preset has the potential to transmit different settings. For example, preset 1 on a foot controller can be named "Delay Crunch". This preset could tell the Axe-fx to change to preset 007, turn on the drive block, turn on the fx loop. If you had a seperate delay unit this same preset on the foot controller could tell the delay unit to switch its preset to 012.

Does that make sense?

The Liquid Control has the ability to pull information from selected other devices(like the axe-fx) and put information like patch name, effects states, and other info directly into the foot controller. It can also operate in remote control mode like the line6 foot controllers do.
Yeh - I get all that actually. Maybe just didnt make myself clear. By Master unit I meant any unit producing sounds/FX etc rather than a controler producing MIDI messages etc.

While Im here, what size is the Fractal Controler gonna be? I cant seem to find that info.

I want to house it in my existing Flight case if possible. I have two rows at present, bottom holds a Midimate and a 4 button VHT footswitch, the upper holds my 6 FX pedals on a bridge. Under the bridge is Voodoo Labds Pedal Power, and there is room for a Wah at the side.

Im gona remove the bridge, and replace the VHT footswitch with a choice of 2/3 pedals and the PP. Not sure which pedals. The Keeley Comp is staying but then its either 2 CC pedals and 2 stomps, or 1 CC and 3 stomps from:

Liquid Sunshine
Sparkle Drive
Keeley Blues Driver
Dr Scientist "The Cleaness" (boost)
Katalinbread SCP (boost)

I kinda want to keep the BD, LS and one boost - but also want 2 CC pedals :roll: Ther never all gonna fit !!!

Anyway, the midimate is 50cm wide by 14 cm deep. the Liquid Foot is 54cm wide and 29cm deep. The width is OK but the depth is around 1/2 cm too deep I think (Im in IRAQ at present so dont have access to my case).

It also works out at around £640 inc delivery and import charges at current exchange rates.

The Rocktron All Access is £760 in delivery and taxes, but I believe is slighty smaller than than the LF - though I cant actually find its dimentions either.

So its kinda important to me how big the All Access and the fractal controlers is/are gonna be.

Ditto the price. If were talking somewhere around $550 for the fractal, that would be approx £500 to me and a much better fit to my budget.

The GC Pro is around £380 here, but no idea of the size and TBH it doesnt look as good as any of the other options.

Anyway enough rambling - anyone know sizes/prices PLEASE
The smaller dimensions are the exact reason I went with the all access. Tack on a volume and expression pedal and you end up with a good sized pedalboard.

Even the midimate is longer than the all access!
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