Lions Got Robbed

This is, in large part, is why I no longer follow the NFL. This from a lifelong football fan who always looked forward to nfl sundays in the fall.

The rules have become so complex and subjective that the outcome of the game has little to do anymore with the teams who are playing the game. It used to be when a great play occurred on the field, you would celebrate. Instead, now days, after a great play, you look around for flags, and as is so often the case, the outcome is determined by some official who is guessing about how the rules should be applied. Or, you spend 5 minutes waiting for a replay deliberation. In either case, the excitement of a play worth celebrating is drained from the game. I suppose that's an interesting way to conduct a game for someone who is primarily interested in the minute and arcane details of the rules, but not for me.

The sad fact is the players are relatively inconsequential these days. It's the officials who have the greatest impact on the outcome of the game.
Been going on forever. When I was a kid in Baltimore, the Colts lost the Championship to the Browns on a last second field goal the Browns kicked that photos showed was a miss. This was before the days of instant replay.
Are you forgetting about he call shortly before that? The tripping call on Dallas that replays showed was a hobble call. The Dallas player did not trip anyone. Very bad call. Instead of 2nd and short it ended up first and 25. No running the clock out with running plays after that penalty.

So a very bad call earlier changed things considerably, the Lions would probably have never had the final drive if the tripping call was not made.
I’m not a conspiracy guy but I’m wondering if all the money changing hands with all the online betting is beginning to find its way to the officials.

Football needs to take a serious history lesson from professional boxing. When Don King destroyed its integrity, people lost all interest in the sport.
When I saw the crew, I knew something would happen that would be controversial. Replays show 68 reporting, then 70 walking up to the powwow reporting as the official went to the Dallas defense informing them player(s) reporting as eligible.
I don't doubt the integrity of the NFL, I DEPLORE it. Detroit has suffered for many years at the hands of NFL officiating. If the NFL wants to maintain a faithful fan base IMO they really need to clean that mess up. That game was literally stolen from the Lions "yet again".
Even this Cowboys fan agrees with the thread title.
But Detroit should have:
1) sacked Dak for the safety. How in the world did that guy not TACKLE Dak?
2) kicked the sure field goal in the Red Zone on 4th down in the first half and get to within 1 pt.
3) NOT tried a 3rd attempt at a 2 pt conversion.
Detroit got robbed by the refs but they didn't help themselves either.
And I think it's a little unethical for teams to be discussing game strategies with the officials prior to a game.
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When I saw the crew, I knew something would happen that would be controversial. Replays show 68 reporting, then 70 walking up to the powwow reporting as the official went to the Dallas defense informing them player(s) reporting as eligible.
I'm trying to understand why everyone seems to think informing the defense is a bad thing?
I frequently hear referees announce that offensive player "so-and-so" is reporting as eligible.
When did people expect it to be a covert offensive move?
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Soonish, AI will "fix" the majority of bad or questionable calls, but NFL traditionalists will lament the loss of (ever flawed) human referees. Nonetheless fans will still hate on the NFL for ruining the game with cold, calculating machines. As it should be.
Even this Cowboys fan agrees with the thread title.
But Detroit should have:
1) sacked Dak for the safety. How in the world did that guy not TACKLE Dak?
2) kicked the sure field goal in the Red Zone on 4th down in the first half and bring to within 1 pt.
3) NOT tried a 3rd attempt at a 2 pt conversion.
Detroit got robbed by the refs but they didn't help themselves either.
And I think it's a little unethical for teams to be discussing game strategies with the officials prior to a game.
How did they get robbed when they should not have even had this drive? ESPN is reporting the tripping was done by the Detroit player, we got a 15 yarder for nothing, that was at 2:04 left. The right call would have been first down Dallas , run the clock down. We should have never been backed up in first and 25. These refs really sucked in this game for sure.
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