line 6 sweep echo???

have you tried the "sweep delay" type?

once you've dropped the delay into the grid - rotate the type knob - type 10 = sweep delay
simeon i must be missing somthing. i kept looking through all the delays and couldnt find a "sweep delay" type. i have an ultra btw
no, you're not missing anything - i didn't notice what section you'd posted this in and i thought you were using a II, sorry

that's ok though, because you can make one in the ultra

just put the delay in a side chain (next to the main row you're using) and follow it up with a filter. join from the filter back to the main line

set the delay mix to 100% and control the level of the delay with the "level" parameter. set the feedback to about 50% and time to about 250ms

set the filter to bandpass and then link the "frequency" parameter to LFO1, setting the start value to 25% and the end value to 75%

set LFO1 rate to about 0.2Hz

you can also attach LFO1 to the "balance" parameter in the filter as well, if you like stereo panning and you're using the mono delay

hope that helps

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