Line 6 DT25 with the AFX?

I run direct.

But also have way too much gear laying about the house too :) And want to experiment with amp / cab too.

I have one of these

Amplifier Cabinets -

The Twin with 2x12 Webers open-backed.

I'm thinking about rigging the Matrix amp in the cabinet and using that instead of a combo amp.

The Matrix would mount where the amplifier chassis would normally be.

lol As Im from the UK, the fact the TA is US built means absolutely nothing.

it really doesnt matter where a piece of equipment is build, as long as the build quality is there. Ive seen kit from China and Japan, UK and the rest of Europe all with better build quality that kit from the US. Ive also seen stuff from the same locations substantially worse than US build kit.

I really dont get why "built in the US" is such a big deal. I get the economic reasons for supporting stuff made in your home country - but as this is an international forum the phrase "its built in the US" gets used an awfull lot.

The guy I was speaking to wasnt a sales rep - he was the L6 rep there dealing withthe shop.

As to why I want a combo - After 3 years I have NEVER got on with FRFR. Im happy with amp/cab. However, FRFR or not the AFX rig is still a rack, a speaker, a floorboard and a guitar. When Im just popping to a mates or to a jam night I just want a pick up and go amp. One hand for the amp and the other for the guitar. Its also nice to have a real amp as a tonal reference.

I understand what your saying but this was just friendly advice Paul. I wasn't implying that the US as a country is any better than any other country when it comes to building amps. What I ment is that your comparing an amp that has a rep that is larger then the other two companies put together that just happens to be hand built in the US, sorry for the poor choice in words.

The Tweeker sounds ok but has had some reliability issues, (have a friend that had one burn up after a few hours of use.) The DT amp thought it sounds pretty good has no track record to speak of yet and quite honestly nether are in the same league as the Mesa. So out of the three YOU have out lined I would bet my money on the Mesa even if I had to wait a bit longer to buy it. Then there's the whole resale thing to think of as well, guarantied you well lose a bit of coin when you go to sell the others.

If you take out the Mesa and just look at the Line 6 and the Egnater for me it would be a total be a coin flip to make the choice.
Somebody's about to be embarassed lol.
True, I stand coorected lol.
Seems the info I had been given was corrupted by fanboy-bull about a full on valve preamp with 3 12Ax7's.
When i checked out the specs, not so at all. I tried to delete my post but you had already qouted it by then. Sorry my friend.
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True, I stand coorected lol.
Seems the info I had been given was corrupted by fanboy-bull about a full on valve preamp with 3 12Ax7's.
When i checked out the specs, not so at all. I tried to delete my post but you had already qouted it by then. Sorry my friend.

Apology accepted.
I've been thinking about this pairing as well. Still mulling it over as it is not readily available yet. Here is my take:
Sounds like you all figured out the topology stuff and now know it's a hybrid amp in the sense of modeling front end, tube power amp section (if you keep the MV pushed in) through a ported cab design with a fairly neutral speaker.
I have played the DT50 and was not impressed, but I did not get a chance to really demo it hard. It was quite bland IMHO as a versatile amp and I didn't gel with any of the four channels. But, it would make sense to try it again or better yet, the DT25. What intrigues me about the 25 is lower cost, lower weight, size but still enough to carry a gig. IF (and that's a big if) the 25 sounds good by itself, it could also be used as intended with the pod hd300 for a really versatile grab and go rig. And IF the FX loop is implemented well the AxeFX into the return might be really cool as well.
I owned the Tweaker and the Mesa TA15. The Tweaker was pretty cool for the money, but felt bland and raw at the same time, just not my style. The TA15 was really neat, the Vox side and Tweed cleans were very nice, I did not dig the gainier sounds and it doesn't have a loop so no real good integration with AxeFX.
All this being said I am looking closely at the new VHT 12/20 amp.
$500 (maybe less), handwired on eyelet board and simple circuit (made in China), supposedly purpose built for pedal users including a 9v tap for pedal power. Variable wattage control, can take 6v6 or EL84 @12 watts or 6L6 or EL34 @20 watts, tube buffered fx loop with send and receive levels supposedly able to handle rack gear and pedals very well. Depth and texture controls post fx loop return to allow additional tone tweaking if required. 1x12 is 45lbs and about 20x20x10.5", also comes in head form. Oh yeah, has a pull boost that also using a footswitch to get more grunt and gain as well. So, small jam just take the amp, footswitch and maybe a pedal or two (powered via the amp), for a bigger gig, AxeFX into the fx return.
On paper, sounds great. In reality, who knows?
I'm going to try and check this out from a store that has a liberal return policy.
Why this is appealing to me vs. Just AxeFX plus frfr is that it might be easier to carry, I could leave the AxeFX racked in the studio if it's not called for, I also believe in having a tube amp around for reference and.....I still like tubes too! I mean, it's less than the cost of a used Mesa power amp, worth a shot IMHO.
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