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Led Zep, Whole Lotta Love solo sound


Gotta be in here somewhere :? . I originally thought it was speaker distortion, but after hearing all the cab sims with drive at diff levels, has not been the case. If you haven't heard it lately, take a listen. There's some kind of breakup going that I can't put my finger on. Is it amp? cab? guitar? pups? Yeah yeah before you say it's all of the above, there has to be one that stands out above the rest. Anyone had any luck dialing this in? Thanks for your help.
I've not heard a convincing version of this yet, and not just the solo but the main rhythm tone. And don't get me started on "Black Dog"...
I personally find the preset pretty damn close.

The other aspect is the GUITAR used as well. I'm not sure which one that might have been, but probably the 58 LP. Who knows what mods it might have on it then?

I might dial that one even a little brighter, and cleaner than you think.

Moving this to the proper section.
I'm guessing Telecaster bridge pickup. I know he played a stock 1958 Fender Telecaster given to him by Jeff Beck on a lot of the first and second albums.
Thanks everyone. Oddly enough I went through all the presets about a week ago but don't recall coming across that one, I'll check again. Anyone know what kind of amp and speakers he used then?
None of his main LPs where modded in any way except neck shave and different tunes. The switching mods came in the 80s.

The factory preset isn't very close to my ears either. An funny note, Page has almost the exact same tone on "What it is and should never be" off the same album.
What part of "What is and What Should Never Be" are you refering to tonygtr?

Instead of solo sound, I should have worded it "lead guitar tone."
gigawatt said:
What part of "What is and What Should Never Be" are you refering to tonygtr?

Instead of solo sound, I should have worded it "lead guitar tone."

The rhythm tones are the ones I'm talking about. Those are alot more tricky than the lead ones.
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