Lead and rhythm sounds on Axe Change!

That's just great!! I haven't heard your ReMarcoble yet, but the tone you've got on The Reaction is my absolute ideal tone...
Of course I'd need just a bit of that skill too, but...? :)

That's great Marco! Really love your work and sound/production on this album. I especially love the 7/8 Jester's Tear. ;)
The crunch patch is killer. When I load up the Mark V lead patch the delay block just washes the sound out really quick. Do I have something just not set right on my end ? I'm using just one mackie hd speaker so is it because of the ping pong delay ? I'll try to load it back on and see if its still "off". Appreciate any help on getting that lead tone to sound the way it should.

The crunch patch is killer. When I load up the Mark V lead patch the delay block just washes the sound out really quick. Do I have something just not set right on my end ? I'm using just one mackie hd speaker so is it because of the ping pong delay ? I'll try to load it back on and see if its still "off". Appreciate any help on getting that lead tone to sound the way it should.


Anyone ? lol.... It sounds off and I'm not sure why.
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