labeling buttons


for those of you who do this, whats a good thing to use? i don't want something that leaves sticky residue. i have painter tape laying around that ill use for the time being, but thats kinda ghetto
Me - I'm a white gaffa tape and permanent marker kinda guy. Keeps it easy to change things if I have to.

You could do the whole print on normal A4 paper and use clear contact (like what I used to use to contact cover all my text books and workbooks/writing pads for school). This method is a hassle if you are changing the sounds on the presets all the time, but is good if you want to clearly see what something is.

If any of the above leaves a sticky residue, there's always something out there that can safely remove it if you need to.

+2 on the labeler. Here's a pic of mine, kinda hard to see but you get the gist. Haven't had any problems with them coming off.

hmm the ptouch looks sweet...but for $40 i think ill stick with ghetto painter tape hahaha unless if ound one used somewhere
I'm using a cheapo labeller I got at Michael's (craft store).
Labeller with included large roll of black tape and blue tape was $8.
An additional set of small rolls of blue, green, red, yellow, and orange was $4.
Limited character set and slightly finicky, but with my buying habits (either the cheapest or the best), it was that or a $400 labeller. I'm happy with the $12 one.


voes said:
That Liquid Footcontroller looks very impressive with all those different lights!
Okay... I admit it... that's half the reason I'm getting one....
hmm michaels sounds good. how does the labels come off though. ill probably be changing mine around alot so cant be having sticky residue
coupon said:
hmm michaels sounds good. how does the labels come off though. ill probably be changing mine around alot so cant be having sticky residue
Pulled the "Tap" half off of my "Tap" "Tempo" label on my foot controller... and... surprisingly... there's really not much residue at all (if any). Being so cheap, it can be a pain to use this labeller though. I've definitely had to make the same label two or three times just to get the lettering and end spacing right... after a while, you get used to how the spacing works, and it's pretty easy to get it on the first try afterward (for the skinnier labels on the sample pic, I ended up using scissors to cut the top and bottom of the label down to size). Jams are infrequent after you get used it it, but unjamming it is a pain... there are probably still fragments of labels inside mine, but it still works so I'm not really bothered. It's a blandly-colored blue and green Dymo "Label Buddy."

[edit] Checked my cost... the large black roll didn't come with it... just the semi-large blue one. Labeller and blue roll was $5, large black was $4, small multicolored set was $4. So $13, not $12. :p [/edit]
using glow tape and sharpie is another option, i had a footcontroller that belonged to
Neil (Neal?) Schon and that is how it was set up, the tape did not seem to leave a residue
after removed. Here is a link showing where it can be purchased: ... &info=glow

I am going to do this to my liquidfoot soon..I looked for glow in the dark
tape for a labeler, but was unable to come up with anything...
Painters Tape (beige) with a sharpie. I am still on a Midi Mate so I usually move my presets around in the Axe FX (easier) for the set I am playing. I then just relabel quickly on the Midi Mate. Works pretty well. Except for last Sunday when I played I didn't bother doing that. I also didn't have the Preset Screen up so I couldn't easily see which patch I was on. Coupled with someone coming up on stage between steps and probably stepping on my controller and switching modes on me. I ended up switching to preset 9 instead of Tap Tempo. Problem was that is was a similar patch but not quite right sounded shrill etc. I couldn't work out what I did. Then I played the intro to the next song and had to stop as I was still all jacked up, thought I turned off the drive pedal, but changed to patch 6. GRRRRR.... Not a good transition. So whatever you use, use it and probably safer to not use the layout view when playing, but use the Preset view! Would have spotted the issue instantly!
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